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常春藤英语-八级-二 本书特色

  《常春藤英语 八级·二》是按照《普通高中英语课程标准》八级要求编写的,适合高三年级学生阅读。本册作者在文章选材上别具匠心。既包括了经典的大师级作品,如莎士比亚的the story of “the tempest”,又包括了大家耳熟能详的童话故事,如aladdin and the wonderful lamp,另外,名家演讲,如hillary clinton’sconcession speech: suspends campaign, endorses obama 也在其中。话题涉及人生哲理、心灵故事、亲情与友情、人物传记、科学技术、教育与发展、动物与自然、经典演讲等丰富的话题,充分体现泛读的广泛性特点,让学生真正通过阅读扩大知识面。

常春藤英语-八级-二 目录

1.people and colors
2.fable of the lazy teen-ager
3.measurement of time
4.the story of “the tempest“ i
5.the story of “the tempest” ii
6.hacking our senses to boost learning power
7.how a pinetree did some good
8.lost and found
9.helping kids dealing with bullies
10.the kindness of strangers
11.violence on television and its effects on children
12.the summer of the beautiful white horse
14.learn english online: how the internet is changing language
15.the story of cyrus field
16.the kangaroo
17.river rescue
18.email backlash at the office?
19.the story of william shakespeare
20.sugar, sugar
21.be your children’s father, not their friend
22.how johnny bought a sewing machine
23.say yes to yourself
24.about love
25.how to build better friendships
26.aladdin and the wonderful lamp i
27.aladdin and the wonderful lamp ii
28.aladdin and the wonderful lamp iii
29.health of the body i
30.health of the body ii
31.“things this good don’t happen to kids like us”
32.hillary clinton’s concession speech: suspends campaign, endorses obama i
33.hillary clinton’s concession speech: suspends campaign, endorses obama ii
34.plane crash survivors in the alaskan wilderness
35.5 life lessons people learn too late
36.good boys deserve favors
37.writing comparison or contrast essays
38.the framework of the body
39.the destruction of pompeii
40.a drop of water on its travels
41.graffiti: street art or crime
42.lawrence’s lesson
43.online passwords: keep it complicated“dad will build it”
44.the world according to claude
45.a trail of new fortunes
46.do you want to help build a happier city?
47.the future of ecommerce
48.the ugly duckling i
49.the ugly duckling ii
50.do you live to work, or work to live?
51.my father’s way
52.marketers embracing qr codes, for better or worse
53.caleb and bertha
54.the printed word

常春藤英语-八级-二 作者简介

  聂成军,教育硕士,中学高级教师。现任北京市海淀区教师进修学校教研员、英语教研室主任。中央电教馆、教育部课程与教材发展中心特聘专家;北京教育考试高考试题评价专家组成员、自主会考试题评价组组长;北京教育学院特聘英语骨干教师培训导师;海淀区教委名师工作站英语学科组导师;北师大版高中英语教材编者之一。   林小林,任教于北京市第一零一中学,从事高中英语教学十年,教学经验丰富,多次参加各种教学能力比赛并获奖。现为高二英语备课组组长,海淀区兼职教研员。参与教研课题研究工作并参与编写多种教辅材料。


中小学教辅 高中通用 英语


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