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作者:(美)查尔斯.A.比尔德 ,玛丽.R.比尔德 著

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8 the clash of political parties 
9 the jeffersonian republicans in power 
part iv. the west and jacksonian democracy
10 the farmers beyond the appalachians 
11 jacksonian democracy 
12 the middle border and the great west 
part v. sectional conflict and reconstruction
13 the rise of the industrial system 
14 the planting system and national politics 
15 the civil war and reconstruction 
part vi. national growth and world politics
16 the political and economic evolution of the south 
17 business enterprise and the republican party 
18 the development of the great west 
19 domestic issues before the country (1865-1897) 
20 america a world power (1865-1900) 
part vii.  progressive democracy and the world war
21 the evolution of republican policies (1901-1913) 
22 the spirit of reform in america 
23 the new political democracy 
24 industrial democracy 
25 president wilson and the world war 

美国历史-(英文版) 作者简介

  作者查尔斯?A?比尔德,美国著名历史学家,去世于1948年。他写作的《美国文明的兴起》一书,被商务印书馆翻译出版并选入“汉译名著”系列。   Charles Austin Beard (November 27, 1874—September 1, 1948) was an American historian. He published hundreds of monographs, textbooks and interpretive studies in both history and political science. His works included radical re-evaluation of the Founding Fathers of the United States, whom he believed were more motivated by economics than by philosophical principles.   Mary Ritter Beard (August 5, 1876—August 14, 1958) was an influential American historian and   archivist , who played an important role in the women's suffrage movement and was a lifelong advocate for social justice through educational and activist roles in both the labor and woman's rights movements. She wrote several books on women's role in history including On Understanding Women (1931), America Through Women's Eyes (1933) and Woman As Force In History: A Study in Traditions and Realities (1946). In addition, she collaborated with her husband, eminent historian Charles Austin Beard on several distinguished works, most notably The Rise of American Civilization (1927).


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