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加拿大语文(全五册)作者:加拿大教育部 编 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787201077345 定价: 出版时间:2012-09-01 出版社:天津人民出版社 |
加拿大语文(全五册) 本书特色
西方家庭学校(homeschool)原版经典教材《美国学生历史》(上下册)(英汉双语版)(赠送mp3光盘) 《加拿大语文》英文配套朗读下载:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_790a14c70101fkkf.html 《加拿大语文》由加拿大教育部门编写的教材,全套共五本。至20世纪初仍作为加拿大学校的英语教材使用。《加拿大语文》全套课本,从*简单入门的英语句式、拼写与发音开始,通过趣味而有教育意义的故事,引发孩子们学习语言的兴趣;并向规范、美丽的文学作品过渡,让孩子们掌握语言的艺术,并感受本国的人文历史等。 《加拿大语文》课后附有“学习辅导”(for study),供孩子们学习使用。国内读者可下载配套的英文朗读,更好地使用这一教材。 this set of graded readers published in the beginning of 20th century was prescribed for use in the schools of canada. throughout the work, two main aims are considered. firstly, every lesson centers about something in which children are interested. secondly, the children are lead to a love of literature. many of the stories and poems herein contained will be found again and again by the children in the world’s best books. exercises “for study” indicate important varieties of individual work. both study of word-forms and study of thought in the text are included. the choice of selections aims to improve the taste, train the judgment, ennoble the ideas, and exercises the imagination of the pupils. so they can develop a good preference for good literature.
加拿大语文(全五册) 内容简介
《加拿大语文》全套五册, 国内学生提升英语、了解加拿大历史文化的优秀读本
the lessons contained in this set of books are products of
experience in the schoolroom. they go forth in the hope of
rendering some service to teachers and to children alike.
throughout the work, the children’s point of view has been kept
in mind as well as the teacher’s; first of all, they should be a
book which children like to read. every lesson centers about
something in which children are interested. all teachers know that
加拿大语文(全五册) 目录
chicken littleking midas
the lark’s nest
the blind man and the lame man
a maid with her basket of eggs
the old love
the fox and the grapes
the three bugs
the kid and the wolf
the frog who tried to be as big as an ox
the ant and the grasshopper
bird thoughts
playing store
the boy and the river

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