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澳大利亚语文-(全六册)作者:澳大利亚教育部 编 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787201078120 定价: 出版时间:2013-01-01 出版社:天津人民出版社 |
澳大利亚语文-(全六册) 本书特色
西方家庭学校原版教材与经典读物;继《美国语文》之后的另一套经典原版教材 国内学生提升英语阅读、了解澳大利亚历史文化的优秀读本 《澳大利亚语文》英文配套朗读下载:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_790a14c70101ilw1.html
澳大利亚语文-(全六册) 内容简介
this set of school books has been suitably illustrated, and has
been included with a view to making the books attractive to
children by quickening interest through the eye. the main aims of
these readers are:
to instill the minds of pupils such a love of literature;
to impart useful information;
to provide matter of such variety and interest that the valuable
art of reading aloud may be fostered.
to teach pupils to speak and write good english;
澳大利亚语文-(全六册) 目录
**册1 letters and sound
2 letters and sound
3 letters and sound
4 letters and sound
5 letters and sound
6 letters and sound
7 letters and sound
8 letters and sound
9 letters and sound
10 letter and sound
11 letters and sound
12 letter and sound
13 letters and sound
14 look and say

中小学教辅 拓展读物
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