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必读丛书-泰戈尔自传作者:罗宾德拉纳德·泰戈尔(Rabindranath Tagore) 开 本:16 书号ISBN:9787561349151 定价: 出版时间:2010-08-01 出版社:陕西师范大学出版社 |
必读丛书-泰戈尔自传 本书特色
必读丛书-泰戈尔自传 目录
名家评价/1关于作者/31 /22 教育开始TeachingBegins/53 里面和外面Within and、Without/104 仆役统治Scrvocracy/255 师范学校The Normal School/316 做诗Versification/367 各种学问Various Learning/408 我的**次出行My First Outing/479 练习做诗Practising Poetry/5110 斯里干达先生SfikanthaBabu/5411 我们的孟加拉文课结束了OurB~gaUCourseEnds/5912 教授The Professor/6213 我的父亲My Father/7014 和父亲一起旅行Ajourney with my Father/8015 在喜马拉雅山上AttheHimalayas/9516 回家MyReturn/10817 家庭学习Home Studies/11418 我的家庭环境My Home Environment/12119 文字之交LiteraryCompanions/13020 发表Publishing/13921 巴努·辛迦Bhanu Singha/14222 爱国主义Patriotism/14523 《婆罗蒂》 The Bharafi/15424 艾哈迈达巴德Ahmedabad/15925 英吉利England/16126 洛肯·帕立特Loken Palit/18027 《破碎的心》The Broken Heart/18328 欧洲音乐European Music/19329 《瓦尔米基的天才》 Valmiki Pratibha/19730 《晚歌集》 Evening Songs/20531 一篇论音乐的文章An Essay on Music/20932 河畔111e River-side/21433 再谈《晚歌集》 MornAbout the EveningSongs/21834 《晨歌集》 Morning Songs/22235 拉真德拉尔·密特拉RajendrahalMitra /23636 卡尔瓦尔Karwar/24037 《自然的报复》 Nature’S Revenge/24438 《画与歌》Pictures and Songs/24739 一段中间时期An Intervening Period/25040 班吉姆·钱德拉BankimChandra/25441 废船The SteamerHulk/25942 亲人死亡Bereavements/26243 雨季和秋季The Rains and Autumn/26944 《升号与降号》 Sharps and Flats/273必读丛书-泰戈尔自传 节选
必读丛书-泰戈尔自传 相关资料
在房子里还有一个处所是我始终没有找到的。有一个和我年龄相仿的女游伴,管这个地方叫做王宫。“我刚上那里去过。”她有时告诉我。但不知道为什么,她能带我同去的好日子,永远也没有来到。那是一个美妙的地方,玩具和玩法都是美妙的。我仿佛觉得这地方一定很近——也许就在第一层或是第二层楼;可就是永远进不去。我不知道问我的同伴问过多少次:“只要告诉我,这地方真正在房子里面还是外面?”她总是回答说:“不在外面,不在外面,它就在这座房子里。”我就坐下想:“这王宫会在哪里呢?这房子的每一间屋子我不是全知道吗?”我从来也不问这国王是什么人;他的还没有被找到的王宫在哪里;但这一点是清楚的——这王宫是在我们的房子里。There was yet another place in our house which I have even yet not succeeded in finding out.A little girl playmate of my own age called this the”King’S palace.””I have just been there,”she would sometimes tell me.But somehow the propitious moment never turned up when she could take me along with her.That was a wonderful place,and its playthings were as wonderful as the games that were played there.It seemed t0 me it must be somewhere very near——perhaps in the first or second storey;the only thing Was one never seemed to be able to get there.How often have I asked my companion,”Only tell me,is it really inside the house or outside?”And she would always repl~”No,no,it’S in this very house.”1 would sit and wonder:”Where then Can it be?Don’t I know all the rooms of the house?”Who the king might be I never cared to inquire;where his palace is still remains undiscovered;this much Was clear——the king’S palace was within our house.
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