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原子和分子光谱学 内容简介

  A wide-ranging review of modem spectroscopic techniques such as X-ray, photoelectron,optical and laser spectroscopy, and radiofrequency and microwave techniques.On the fundamental side the book focuses on physical principles and the impact of spectroscopy on our understanding of the building blocks of matter, while in the area of applications particular attention is given to those in chemical analysis,photochemistry, surface characterisation, environmental and medical diagnostics, remote sensing and astrophyscis.The Fourth Edition also provides the reader with an update on laser cooling and trapping, Bose- Einstein condensation, ultra-fast spectroscopy, highpower laser/matter interaction, satellitebased astronomy and spectroscopic aspects of laser medicine.

原子和分子光谱学 目录


2.Atomic Structure
2.1 One-Electron Systems
2.2 Alkali Atoms
2.3 Magnetic Effects
2.3.1 Precessional Motion
2.3.2 Spin-Orbit Interaction
2.4 General Many-Electron Systems
2.5 The Influence of External Fields
2.5.1 Magnetic Fields
2.5.2 Electric Fields
2.6 Hyperfine Structure
2.6.1 Magnetic Hyperfine Structure
2.6.2 Electric Hyperfine Structure
2.7 The Influence of External Fields (hfs)
2.8 Isotopic Shifts

3.Molecular Structure
3.1 Electronic Levels
3.2 Rotational Energy
3.3 Vibrational Energy
3.4 Polyatomic Molecules
3.5 Clusters
3.6 Other Molecular Structures

4.Radiation and Scattering Processes
4.1 Resonance Radiation
4.2 Spectra Generated by Dipole Transitions
4.2.1 Atoms
4.2.2 Molecules
4.3 Rayleigh and Raman Scattering
4.4 Raman Spectra
4.4.1 Vibrational Raman Spectra
4.4.2 Rotational Raman Spectra
4.4.3 Vibrational-Rotational Raman Spectra
4.5 Mie Scattering
4.6 Atmospheric Scattering Phenomena
4.7 Comparison Between Different Radiation and Scattering Processes
4.8 Collision-Induced Processes

5.Spectroscopy of Inner Electrons
5.1 X-Ray Spectroscopy
5.1.1 X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy
5.1.2 X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
5.1.3 X-Ray Imaging Applications
5.2 Photoelectron Spectroscopy
5.2.1 XPS Techniques and Results
5.2.2 Chemical Shifts
5.3 Auger Electron Spectroscopy

6.Optical Spectroscopy
6.1 Light Sources
6.1.1 Line Light Sources
6.1.2 Continuum Light Sources
6.1.3 Synchrotron Radiation
6.1.4 Natural Radiation'Sources
6.2 Spectral Resolution Instruments
6.2.1 Prism Spectrometers
6.2.2 Grating Spectrometers
6.2.3 The Fabry-Perot Interferometer
6.2.4 The Fourier Transform Spectrometer
6.3 Detectors
6.4 Optical Components and Materials
6.4.1 Interference Filters and Mirrors
6.4.2 Absorption Filters
6.4.3 Polarizers
6.4.4 Optical Materials
6.4.5 Influence of the Transmission Medium
6.5 Optical Methods of Chemical Analysis
6.5.1 The Beer-Lambert Law
6.5.2 Atomic Absorption/Emission Spectrophotometry
6.5.3 Burners, Flames, Sample Preparation and Measurements
6.5.4 Modified Methods of Atomization
6.5.5 Multi-Element Analysis
6.5.6 Molecular Spectrophotometry
6.5.7 Raman Spectroscopy
6.6 Optical Remote Sensing
6.6.1 Atmospheric Monitoring with Passive Techniques
6.6.2 Land and Water Measurements with Passive Techniques
6.7 Astrophysical Spectroscopy

7.Radio-Frequency Spectroscopy
7.1 Resonance Methods
7.1.1 Magnetic Resonance
7.1.2 Atomic-Beam Magnetic Resonance
7.1.3 Optical Pumping
7.1.4 Optical Double Resonance
7.1.5 Level-Crossing Spectroscopy
7.1.6 Resonance Methods for Liquids and Solids
7.2 Microwave Radiometry
7.3 Radio Astronomy

8.1 Basic Principles
8.2 Coherence
8.3 Resonators and Mode Structure
8.4 Fixed-Frequency Lasers
8.4.1 The Ruby Laser
8.4.2 Four-Level Lasers
8.4.3 Pulsed Gas Lasers
8.4.4 The He-Ne Laser
8.4.5 Gaseous Ion Lasers
8.5 Tunable Lasers
8.5.1 Dye Lasers
8.5.2 ColouroCentre Lasers
8.5.3 Tunable Solid-State Lasers
8.5.4 Tunable CO2 Lasers
8.5.5 Semiconductor Lasers
8.6 Nonlinear Optical Phenomena

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自然科学 物理学 光学


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