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8.7 Ultra-short and Ultra-high-Power Laser Pulse Generation
8.7.1 Short-Pulse Generation by Mode-Locking
8.7.2 Generation of Ultra-high Power Pulses

9.Laser Spectroscopy
9.1 Basic Principles
9.1.1 Comparison Between Conventional Light Sources and Lasers
9.1.2 Saturation
9.1.3 Excitation Methods
9.1.4 Detection Methods
9.1.5 Laser Wavelength Setting
9.2 Doppler-Limited Techniques
9.2.1 Absorption Measurements
9.2.2 Intracavity Absorption Measurements
9.2.3 Absorption Measurements on Excited States
9.2.4 Level Labelling
9.2.5 Two-Photon Absorption Measurements
9.2.6 Opto-Galvanic Spectroscopy
9.2.7 Single-Atom and Single-Molecule Detection
9.2.8 Opto-Acoustic Spectroscopy
9.3 Optical Double-Resonance and Level-Crossing Experiments with Laser Excitation
9.4 Time-Resolved Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
9.4.1 Generation of Short Optical Pulses
9.4.2 Measurement Techniques for Optical Transients
9.4.3 Background to Lifetime Measurements
9.4.4 Survey of Methods of Measurement for Radiative Properties
9.4.5 Quantum-Beat Spectroscopy
9.5 Ultrafast Spectroscopy
9.5.1 Ultrafast Measurement Techniques
9.5.2 Molecular Reaction Dynamics (Femtochemistry)
9.5.3 Coherent Control
9.6 High-Power Laser Experiments
9.6.1 Above Threshold Ionization (ATI)
9.6.2 High Harmonic Generation
9.6.3 X-Ray Laser Pumping
9.6.4 Broadband X-Ray Generation
9.6.5 Relativistic Effects and Laser Accelerators
9.6.6 Laser-Nuclear Interactions and Laser-Driven Fusion
9.7 High-Resolution Laser Spectroscopy
9.7.1 Spectroscopy on Collimated Atomic and Ionic Beams
9.7.2 Saturation Spectroscopy and Related Techniques
9.7.3 Doppler-Free Two-Photon Absorption
9.8 Cooling and Trapping of Ions and Atoms
9.8.1 Introduction
9.8.2 Ion Traps
9.8.3 Basic Laser Cooling in Traps
9.8.4 Trapped Ion Spectroscopy
9.8.5 Atom Cooling and Trapping
9.8.6 Sub-Recoil Cooling
9.8.7 Atom Optics
9.8.8 Bose-Einstein Condensation and "Atom Lasers"
9.8.9 Ultracold Fermionic Gases

10.Laser-Spectroscopic Applications
10.1 Diagnostics of Combustion Processes
10.1.1 Background
10.1.2 Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Related Techniques
10.1.3 Raman Spectroscopy
10.1.4 Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering
10.1.5 Velocity Measurements
10.2 Laser Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere
10.2.1 Optical Heterodyne Detection
10.2.2 Long-Path Absorption Techniques
10.2.3 Lidar Techniques
10.3 Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Raman Spectroscopy in Liquids and Solids
10.3.1 Hydrospheric Remote Sensing
10.3.2 Vegetation Monitoring
10.3.3 Monitoring of Surface Layers
10.4 Laser-Induced Chemical Processes
10.4.1 Laser-Induced Chemistry
10.4.2 Laser Isotope Separation
10.5 Spectroscopic Aspects of Lasers in Medicine
10.5.1 Thermal Interaction of Laser Light with Tissue
10.5.2 Photodynamic Tumour Therapy
10.5.3 Tissue Diagnostics with Laser-Induced Fluorescence
10.5.4 Scattering Spectroscopy and Tissue Transillumination

Questions and Exercises
Index 原子和分子光谱学

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