Flora of China:1:Introduction
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Flora of China:1:Introduction作者:吴征镒,Peter H. Raven[著 开 本:29cm 书号ISBN:9781935641902 定价:260.0 出版时间:2013-01-01 出版社: |
Flora of China:1:Introduction 本书特色
《中国植物志 第1卷(英文版)》是中国植物志(英文版)中的*后一卷,包括该项目的编研历史、各卷作者、绘图人员、所包含的种及特有种,科、亚科、属的中名索引、拼音索引、拉丁名索引等内容。《中国植物志 第1卷(英文版)》可供植物学、生态学、资源学、林学和农业科研人员及高校师生参考。
Flora of China:1:Introduction 内容简介
Flora of China:1:Introduction 目录
foreword preface acknowledgments history of the flora of china project numbers of taxa, endemic taxa, and introduced taxa in the flora of china provinces largest families in china list of autbors of the flora of china list of illustrators of the flora of china illustrations comparison of classifications: pteridophytes and gymnosperms in the florareipublicae popularis sinicae and the flora of china table 1 (sorted by frps volume and page number) table 2 (sorted by frps family) table 3 (sorted by chinese name) table 4 (sorted by foc family)comparison of classifications in the flora reipublicae popularis sinicae, theflora af ckina, and angiosperm phylogeny group iii table 5 (sorted by frps volume and page number) table 6 (sorted by frps family) , table 7 (sorted by chinese name) table 8 (sorted by apg ili family)names of new taxa published since or not included in the flora of chinacorrigendanomenclatural novelties published in the flora of chinaindex to accepted chinese names of genera, subdivisions of tribes, tribes,and subfamiliesindex to accepted pinyin names of genera, subdivisions of tribes, tribes,and subfamiliesindex to accepted scientific names of genera, subdivisions of tribes, tribes,and subfamiliesindex to accepted chinese names of familiesindex to accepted pinyin names of familiesindex to accepted scientific names of familiesindex to families in the flora of china and the flora reipublicae popularis sinicaepublished volumes of the flora of china and the flora of china tllustratiot~s
自然科学 生物科学 植物学
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