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分层媒质中的电磁场作者:李凯著 开 本:25cm 书号ISBN:9787308064019 定价:80.0 出版时间:2009-03-01 出版社:浙江大学出版社 |
分层媒质中的电磁场 本书特色
"Electromagnetic Fields in Stratified Media" deals with an important branch of electromagnetic theory, which has many useful applications in subsurface communication, radar, and geophysical prospecting and diagnostics. The book introduces to the electromagnetic theory and wave propagation in complex media, while presenting detailed models for various media: 3, 4, N-layered media, boundary conditions, and anisotropic media. In particular, the complete solutions for a trapped surface wave and lateral wave in a three- or four-layered region, the complete solutions for low frequency wave propagation over a spherical surface coated with a dielectric layer, and the transient field of a horizontal dipole in the boundary layer of two different media are presented. The book is designed for the scientists and engineers engaged in antennas and propagation, EM theory and applications.
Dr. Kai Li is Professor at Zhejiang University.
分层媒质中的电磁场 内容简介
分层媒质中的电磁场 目录
1 Historical and Technical Overview of Electromagnetic Fields in Stratified Media1.1 Electromagnetic Wave Along Air-Earth Boundary
1.2 Surface Waves Along Surfaces of Stratified Media
1.3 Lateral Waves Along the Air-Earth Boundary
1.4 Trapped Surface Wave in the Presence of Three-Layered Region
1.5 Electromagnetic Field Radiated by a Dipole over Spherical Earth
2 Electromagnetic Field of a Vertical Electric Dipole in the Presence of a Three-Layered Region
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Integrated Formulas for Electromagnetic Field in Air
2.3 Field of Vertical Dipole over Dielectric-Coated Perfect Conductor
2.4 Field of Vertical Dipole over Dielectric-Coated Imperfect Conductor
2.5 Radiation from Vertical Dipole in Three-Layered Region
3 Electromagnetic Field of a Horizontal Electric Dipole in the Presence of a Three-Layered Region
3.1 lntroductlon
3.2 Electromagnetic Field of Horizontal Electric Dipole
3.3 Radiation of Horizontal Electric Dipole and Microstrip Antenna
3.4 Summary
4 Electromagnetic Field of a Vertical Electric Dipole in the Presence of a Four-Layered Region
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Formulation of Problem
4.3 Evaluations of the Trapped Surface Wave and Lateral Wave
4.4 Computations and Conclusions
5 Electromagnetic Field of a Horizontal Electric Dipole in the Presence of a Four-Layered Region
5.1 Integrated Formulas for the Electromagnetic Field
5.2 Evaluation for the Electric-Type Field
5.3 Evaluation for the Magnetic-Type Field
5.4 Final Formulas for the Six-Field Components
5.5 Computations and Conclusions
6 Electromagnetic Field Radiated by a Dipole Source over a Dielectric-Coated Spherical Earth
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Electromagnetic Field due to Vertical Electric Dipole
7 Electromagnetic Field of a Dipole Source over the Spherical Surface of Multi-Layered Earth
8 Exact Transient Field of a Horizontal Electric Dipole the Boundary Between Two Dielectrics
9 Approximate Transient Field of Horizontal Electric Dipole on the Boundary Between a Homogeneous Isotropic Medium and One-Dimensionally Anisotropic Medium

自然科学 物理学 电磁学、电动力学
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