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纳米表征与调控研究进展作者:王荣明 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787301283066 定价:175.0 出版时间:2017-05-01 出版社:北京大学出版社 |
纳米表征与调控研究进展 本书特色
《纳米表征与调控研究进展Progress in Nanoscale Characterization and Manipulation》上册主要包括扫描电子显微学、透射电子显微学、聚焦离子束和电子束纳米加工技术、氦离子显微学等的基础理论,通过一些典型的应用介绍如何运用这些方法实施对材料及其结构的表征、加工等。
纳米表征与调控研究进展 内容简介
《纳米表征与调控研究进展Progress in Nanoscale Characterization and Manipulation》为中外物理学精品书系中高瞻系列里的一部。是由国内**物理学家用英文编写的专著。主要内容是介绍近些年我国在纳米结构表征及其调控研究的**成果。
纳米表征与调控研究进展 目录
1 Electron/Ion Optics1.1 General ray diagram of TEM
1.2 Electron sources
1.3 Optics
1.4 Detectors
1.5 Ion optics
2 Scanning Electron Microscopy
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Fundamentals of the SEM
2.3 Analytical capabilities of the SEM
3 Transmission Electron Microscopy
3.1 Introduction
3.2 High-resolution transmission electron microscopy imaging
3.3 A new approach to image analysis in HRTEM
3.4 Focal series reconstruction
3.5 Convergent beam electron di?raction
3.6 Lorentz electron microscopy
3.7 Electron holography
4 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM)
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Principle of reciprocity
4.3 Principle of STEM imaging
4.4 HAADF imaging
4.5 ABF imaging
4.6 Scanning Moir?e fringe imaging
4.7 Application on micro-area analysis
4.8 Discussion and conclusion
5 Spectroscopy
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Principle of EDS and EELS
5.5 EELS-STEM and applications
5.6 Spectrum imaging
6 Aberration Corrected Transmission Electron Microscopy and Its
6.1 Basics of aberration correction
6.2 Aberration corrected electron microscopy
6.3 Applications of aberration corrected electron microscopy
7 In Situ TEM: Theory and Applications
7.1 In situ TEM observation of deformation-induced structural evolution
at atomic resolution for strained materials
7.2 In situ TEM investigations on Ga/In ˉlled nanotubes
7.3 In situ TEM electrical measurements
7.4 Several advanced electron microscopy methods and their
applications on materials science
8 Helium Ion Microscopy
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Principles¢
8.3 Imaging techniques
8.4 Applications
8.5 Current/Future developments
8.6 Conclusion
纳米表征与调控研究进展 作者简介
王荣明,北京科技大学教授,数理学院院长 。中国材料研究学会青年委员会第四届理事会理事,中国金属学会材料科学分会第五届理事会理事,中国航空学会第六届材料工程专业分会委员。

自然科学 物理学 理论物理学
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