天然有机物质在环境变化中的功能作者:徐建明,吴建军,何艳主编 开 本:31cm 书号ISBN:9787308102711 定价:500.0 出版时间:2012-08-01 出版社:浙江大学出版社 |
天然有机物质在环境变化中的功能 内容简介
the book will be an invaluable reference for chemists,biologists,environmental scientists ecologists,soil scientists,water scientists,agronomists,global change researchers and policy makers。
天然有机物质在环境变化中的功能 目录
session 1 formation.structure and characteristics of hs andnom
revisiting structural insights provided by analytical pyrolysisabout humic substances and related bio-and
j.a.gonz6lez-perez,ej.gonz6lez-hla,g almendros,h.knicker,j.m.de larosa,z.herndndez
the role of mineral complexation and metal redox coupling in carboncycling and stabilization
donaml.sparks,chunmei chen i
elucidating the biogeochemical memory of the oceans by means ofhigh—resolution organic structural
n.hertkorn,m.harir,b.p koch,b.michalke,ph.sehmitt-kopplin
correlating bulk optical spectroscopy and ultrahigh resolution massspectrometry to determine the molecular
composition of dissolved organic matter in northem peatlands
william t cooper,malakm tfaily,jane e.corbet,jeffrey pchanton
effects of synthetic quinones as electron shuttles on geothitereduction and current generation by klebsiella
pneumoniae l17 ‘
xiaominlg liangliu.tongxuliu,tianyuan.weizhang,fangbain.shunguizhou,yongtaoli
dynamics ofnewly formed humic acid and fulvic acid in aggregatesafter addition ofthe hc—labelled wheat
straw in a typic hapludoll ofnortheast china
sendou,song guan,guangchen,gang wang
ftir analysis of soil organic matter to link the turnover oforganic inputs with carbon respiration rates
characterization of soil humic substances using mid—infraredphotoacousctic spectroscopy
splitting of soil humic acid fluorescence on differentfluorophores
oteg trubetskoj,lubov shaloiko,dmitrii demin,hctor marchenkov,otgatrubetskaya
lumping or splitting:holistic or fractionation approaches tostudies of humic substances
michaelh.b.hayes,roger s swift
the fate of mineral particles in bulk peat and corresponding humicacids throughout an ombrotrophic bog
profile:atmospheric dust depositions vs mineralizationprocesses
c.zaccone,s.pabst,tm miano,wshotyk
hs—protein associates in the aqueous/oil system:composition andcolloidal properties
m.g chernysheva,ga.barn
integrated physical—chemical procedure for soil organic carbonfractionation and characterization dunng
transition to organic farming
hm.abdelrahman.d.c.0lk.c.cocozza,d.ventrella,e montemurro.imiano
sulfur-containing m01ecules obsered in hydrophobic and amphiphilicfracti。ns of diss01ved organic matter
by fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance massspectrometry
guixue song,rajaa mesfiou,aaron dotson.paul westerhoff,patrickhatcher
standard and reference samples of humic acids,fulvic acids,andnatural organic matterfromthe suwannee
rivel georgia—thirty years of isolation and characterization
m。lecular under。standing。f a humic acid by“hume。mic”fractionationand benefits from preliminar,hpsec
antonio nebbioso,alessandro piccoio
microbiological oil transformation to humic.like substances
genesis of peat humic acid structure and properties within bogprofiles
maris klavins,oskars purmalis
influence of biota on low m。lecular weight organic acids in soilsolutions。f taiga and tundra s。ils in the
east—european russia
e.v shamrikova,lv gruzdev,e.epunegov,e.vanchikovd
the complementar),use of au epr and sec to study the structuralchanges of humic subs切nces during
wood waste composting
d_bikovens,v.lepane,ⅳmakarotgeva,t dizhbite,g.teheva
influence of vegetation dynamics on humic substance composition inmaritime burozems of primorsky krai
b.e pshenichnikov,n.e pshenichnikova
residue—derived amino sugar formation and its carbon useefficiencv
zhen bai,samuelbodo,pascalboeckx,xudongzhang
studies of humic substances from sediments in galwaybay,ireland
rl mylotte,cm.p byrne,r.r.chang,c.dalton mh.b havs
自然科学 化学 高分子化学(高聚物)
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