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热动力学-第2版作者:福克斯 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787510077807 定价:169.0 出版时间:2014-07-01 出版社:世界图书出版公司 |
热动力学-第2版 本书特色
热动力学-第2版 目录
introduction. from metaphors to models of heatpartⅰ. processes, energy, and dynamical models 1 storage and flow of fluids and electricity 2 energy in physical processes 3 transport and balance of momentumpartⅱ. thermal and chemical processes 4 storage, flow, and production of heat 5 the response of simple materials to heat 6 transformation and transport of substances 7 the transport of heat 8 flow systems and convective transports 9 minimization of entropy productionpartⅲ. a dynamical theory of heat 10 thermodynamics of spatially uniform systems 11 thermodynamics of continuous systems 12 thermodynamics and radiative transferpartⅳ. special processes and systems 13 conduction and coupled transports 14 convective heat transfer 15 phase change, mixtures, and engines 16 solar radiationappendix 1 lists of tables 2 lists of symbols 3 glossary 4 answers to questions 5 some solutions to end of chapter problems 6 referencesindex

自然科学 物理学 热学与物质分子运动论
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