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  8.11 tricritical points
9 renormalization group: general formulation
  9.1 statistical field theory. landau’s hamiltonian
  9.2 connected correlation functions. vertex functions
  9.3 renormalization group: general idea
  9.4 hamiltonian flow: fixed points, stability
  9.5 the gaussian fixed point.2319.6 eigen-perturbations: general analysis
  9.7 a non-gaussian fixed point: the ε-expansion
  9.8 eigenvalues and dimensions of local polynomials
10 perturbative renormalization group: explicit calculations.
  10.1 critical hamiltonian and perturbative expansion
  10.2 feynman diagrams at one-loop order
  10.3 fixed point and critical behaviour
  10.4 critical domain
  10.5 models with o(n) orthogonal symmetry
  10.6 renormalization group near dimension 4
  10.7 universal quantities: numerical results
11 renormalization group: n-ponent fields
  11.1 renormalization group: general remarks
  11.2 gradient flow
  11.3 model with cubic anisotropy
  11.4 explicit general expressions: rg analysis
  11.5 exercise: general model with two parameters
12 statistical field theory: perturbative expansion
  12.1 generating functionals
  12.2 gaussian field theory.wick’s theorem
  12.3 perturbative expansion
  12.4 loop expansion
  12.5 dimensional continuation and regularization
13 the σ4 field theory near dimension 4
  13.1 effective hamiltonian. renormalization
  13.2 renormalization group equations
  13.3 solution of rge: the ε-expansion
  13.4 effective and renormalized interactions
  13.5 the critical domain above tc
14 the o(n) symmetric (φ2)2 field theory in the large n limit
  14.1 algebraic preliminaries
  14.2 integration over the field φ: the determinant
  14.3 the limit n →∞: the critical domain
  14.4 the (φ2)2 field theory for n →∞
  14.5 singular part of the free energy and equation of state
  14.6 the λλ and φ2φ2 two-point functions
  14.7 renormalization group and corrections to scaling
  14.8 the 1/n expansion
  14.9 the exponent η at order 1/n
  14.10 the non-linear σ-model
15 the non-linear σ-model
  15.1 the non-linear σ-model on the lattice
  15.2 low-temperature expansion
  15.3 formal continuum limit
  15.4 regularization
  15.5 zero-momentum or ir divergences
  15.6 renormalization group
  15.7 solution of the rge. fixed points
  15.8 correlation functions: scaling form
  15.9 the critical domain: critical exponents
  15.10 dimension 2
  15.11 the (φ2)2 field theory at low temperature
16 functional renormalization group
  16.1 partial field integration and effective hamiltonian
  16.2 high-momentum mode integration andrge
  16.3 perturbative solution: φ4 theory
  16.4 rge: standard form
  16.5 dimension 4
  16.6 fixed point: ε-expansion
  16.7 local stability of the fixed point
  a1 technical results
  a2 fourier transformation: decay and regularity
  a3 phase transitions: general remarks
  a4 1/n expansion: calculations
  a5 functional renormalization group: complements

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