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4.2.6.genus ramoferis hao et xue,2011
4.2.7.genus zosterophyllum penhallow,1892
4.2.8.genus wenshania zhu et kenrick,1999
4.2.9.genus distichophytum m?gdefrau,1938
4.2.10.genus oricilla gensel,1982b
4.2.11.genus discalis hao,1989a
4.2.12.genus guangnania wang et hao,2002
4.2.13.genus yunia hao et beck,1991b
4.2.14.genus baragwanathia lang et cookson,1935
4.2.15.genus halleophyton li et edwards,1997
4.2.16.genus hueberia yang,li et edwards,2009
4.2.17.genus zhenglia hao,wang d.m.,wang q.et xue,2006
4.2.18.genus dibracophyton hao,xue,zhu et wang,2012
4.2.19.genus adoketophyton li et edwards,1992
4.2.20.genus stachyophyton geng,1983
4.2.21.genus eophyllophyton hao,1988,emend.hao et beck,1993
4.2.22.genus pauthecophyton xue,hao,zhu et wang,2012
4.2.23.genus psilophyton dawson,1859,emend.banks,leclercq et hueber,1975
4.2.24.genus estinnophyton fairon-demaret,1978
4.2.25.genus cervicornus li et hueber,2000
4.2.26.genus hedeia cookson,1935
4.2.27.genus polythecophyton hao,gensel et wang,2001
4.2.28.genus celatheca hao et gensel,1995
5.composition of the posongchong flora and comparison of the posongchong flora with other coeval floras
5.1.composition and characteristics of the posongchong flora
5.2.phytogeographic divisions during the latest silurian to early devonian period
5.2.1.historical retrospect
5.2.2.recent advances
5.3.comparison of the posongchong flora with other coeval(and roughly coeval)floras
5.3.1.coeval floras in the northeastern gondwanan phytogeographic unit
5.3.2.coeval floras in the laurussian phytogeographic unit(north america and western europe)
5.4.preliminary summary of early devonian floristic characteristics
5.4.1.early devonian floristic characteristics of the northeastern gondwanan phytogeographic unit
5.4.2.early devonian floristic characteristics of the laurussian phytogeographic unit(north america and western europe)
6.a cladistic analysis of phylogeny of the posongchong plants
6.1.choice of taxa
6.1.1.choice of outgroup
6.1.2.choice of ingroup
6.2.character description,discussion and coding
6.2.1.characters used in the analysis
6.2.2.other potential characters
6.3.analysis of the data matrix
6.3.1.discussion based on analysis ⅰ and analysis ⅱ
6.3.2.discussion based on analysis ⅲ
6.3.3.clade stability
6.4.phylogenetic relationships of early vascular plants based on cladistic analysis with addition of the posongchong plants
7.evolution and diversification of early vascular plants?evidence from the posongchong flora
7.1.implications of early devonian posongchong plants
7.1.1.catenalis,with a transitional morphology between algae and land plants
7.1.2.diversification of zosterophyllopsids
7.1.3.the posongchong lycopsids(microphyllous plants)
7.1.4.the posongchong euphyllophytes(megaphyllous plants)
7.1.5.beyond microphylls and megaphylls?other novel plants with strobili and unusual leafy structures
7.2.early evolution of organs and tissue structure of vascular plants
7.2.1.earliest records of roots
7.2.2.earliest records of leaves(or leafy structures)and their initial diversification
7.2.3.diversity of fertile structures and their evolutionary significance
7.2.4.diversity of xylem strands and evolutionary trends in tracheid construction
7.3.diversity dynamics of the late silurian-early devonian megafossil plants
7.3.1.sources of data and method of analysis
7.3.2.diversity dynamics
7.3.3.comparison of the present results to previous patterns based on laurussian data
7.3.4.interpreting the pattern: geological and environmental factors
7.4.early devonian(pragian)explosion(burst)of vascular plant lineages
7.4.1.phases of morphological diversification
7.4.2.the earliest terrestrial plants and floras prior to and during the pragian
7.4.3.the first evolutionary phase?diversification of sporangial morphology
7.4.4.the second evolutionary phase?phenotypic character diversity
7.4.5.early devonian(pragian)explosion(burst)of vascular plant lineages
7.4.6.early devonian(pragian)explosion of vascular plants as compared to cambrian explosion of animals
taxonomic index
subject index

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自然科学 生物科学 植物学
