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比较蛋白质组学的生物信息学-(影印版) 本书特色


比较蛋白质组学的生物信息学-(影印版) 内容简介


比较蛋白质组学的生物信息学-(影印版) 目录

prefacecontributorspart i:  bioinformatics framework for comparative proteomics  1  protein bioinformatics databases and resources    churning chen, hongzhan huang, and cathy h. wu  2  a guide to uniprot for protein scientists    claire o'donovan and rolf apweiler  3  interpro protein classification    jennifer mcdowall and sarah hunter  4  reactome knowledgebase of human biological    pathways and processes    peter d'eustachio  5  efip: a tool for mining functional impact    of phosphorylation from literature    cecilia n. arighi, amy y. siu, catalina o. tudor,    jules a. nchoutrnboube, cathy it. wu, and vijay k. shanker  6  a tutorial on protein ontology resources for proteomic studies    cecilia n. arighi  7  structure-guided rule-based annotation. of protein    functional sites in uniprot knowledgebase    sona vasudevan, c.r. vinayaka, darren a. natale,    hongzhan huang, robel y. kahsay, and cathy h. wupart ii:  proteomic bioinformatics  8  modeling mass spectrometry-based protein analysis    jan eriksson and david feny  9  protein identification from tandem mass spectra    by database searching    nathan j. edwards  10  lc-ms data analysis for differential    protein expression detection    rency s. varghese and habtorn w. ressom  11  protein identification by spectral networks analysis    nuno bandeira  12  software pipeline and data analysis for ms/ms proteomics:    the trans-proteomic pipeline    andrew keller and david shteynberg  13  analysis of high-throughput elisa microarray data    amanda m. white, don s. daly, and richard c. zangar  14  proteomics databases and repositories    lennart martens  15  preparing molecular interaction data for publication    sandra orchard and henning hermjakob  16  submitting proteomics data to pride using pride converter    harald barsnes, juan antonio vizcalno, florian reisinger,    ingvar eidhammer, and lennart martens  17  automated data integration and determination of    posttranslational modifications with the protein inferenceengine    stuart r. jefferys and morgan c. giddings  18  an integrated top-down and bottom-up strategy    for characterization of protein isoforms and modifications    si wu, nikola toli, zhixin tian, errol w. robinson,    and ljiljana paa- tolipart iii:  comparative proteomics in systems biology  19  phosphoproteome resource for systems biology research    bernd bodenmiller and ruedi aebersold  20  protein-centric data integration for functional analysis of    comparative proteomics data    peter b. mcgarvey, jian zhang, darren a. natale,    cathy h. wu, and hongzhan huang  21  integration of proteomic and metabolomic profiling    as well as metabolic modeling for the functional    analysis of metabolic networks    patrick may, nils christian, oliver ebenhh,    wolfram weckwerth, and dirk walther  22  time series proteome profiling    catherine a. formolo, michelle mint4 asako takanohashi,    kristy j. brown, adeline vanderver, brian halligan,    and yetrib hathout index

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自然科学 生物科学 普通生物学


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