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作者:克伦普 等著

开 本:16工





非理想等离子体的量子统计-(影印版) 本书特色


非理想等离子体的量子统计-(影印版) 内容简介

  《非理想等离子体的量子统计(影印版)(英文)》讨论强耦合coulomb系统的统计理论。在对非理想等离子体做介绍以后,本书给出了有效的计算方法——格林函数法。在这个基础上,本书对介电性质、热力学性质、输运和弛豫性质等都做了系统阐述。特别地,本书仔细地探讨了等离子体环境中的束缚态的行为、电离动理学、密集部分电离氢的状态方程等。另外,本书还导出了推广的动力学方程以适用于很短的时间间隔。这些方程可以用于研究超快过程以及激光场中的等离子体。本书适合等离子体物理、天体物理、激光物理、核物理、统计物理领域的研究者和研究生阅读。   《中外物理学精品书系·引进系列:非理想等离子体的量子统计(影印版)(英文)》内容丰富,涵盖面广,可读性强,其中既有对我国传统物理学发展的梳理和总结,也有对正在蓬勃发展的物理学前沿的全面展示;既引进和介绍了世界物理学研究的发展动态,也面向国际主流领域传播中国物理的优秀专著。可以说,“中外物理学精品书系”力图完整呈现近现代世界和中国物理科学发展的全貌,是一部目前国内为数不多的兼具学术价值和阅读乐趣的经典物理丛书。  

非理想等离子体的量子统计-(影印版) 目录

2.introduction to the physics of nonideal plasmas
2.1 the microscopic and statistical description of a fully ionizedplasma
2.2 equilibrium distribution function. degenerate andnon-degenerate plasmas
2.3 the vlasov equation
2.4 dynamical screening
2.5 self-energy and stopping power
2.6 thermodynamic properties of plasmas. the plasma phasetransition
2.7 bound states in dense plasmas. lowering of the ionizationenergy
2.8 ionization equilibrium and saha equation. themott-transition
2.9 the density-temperature plane
2.10 boltzmann kinetic equation
2.11 transport properties
2.12 ionization kinetics
3.quantum statistical theory of charged particle systems
3.1 quantum statistical description of plasmas
3.2 method of green's functions
3.2.1 correlation functions and green's functions
3.2.2 spectral representations and analytic properties of green'sfunctions
3.2.3 analytical properties, dispersion relations
3.3 equations of motion for correlation functions  and green'sfunctions
3.3.1 the martin-schwinger hierarchy
3.3.2 the hartree-fock approximation
3.3.3 functional form of the martin-schwinger hierarchy
3.3.4 self-energy and kadanoff-baym equations
3.3.5 structure and properties of the self-energy. initialcorrelation
3.3.6 gradient expansion. local approximation
3.4 green's functions and physical properties
3.4.1 the spectral function. quasi-particle picture
3.4.2 description of macroscopic quantities
4.systems with coulomb interaction
4.1 screened potential and self-energy
4.2 general response functions
4.3 the kinetics of particles and screening fieldfluctuations
4.4 the dielectric function of the plasma general properties, sumrules
4.5 the random phase approximation (rpa)
4.5.1 the rpa dielectric function
4.5.2 limiting cases. quantum and classical plasmas
4.5.3 the plasmon-pole approximation
4.6 excitation spectrum, plasmons
4.7 fluctuations, dynamic structure factor
4.8 static structure factor and radial distribution function
4.9 dielectric function beyond rpa
4.10 equations of motion for density-density correlation functions.schrodinger equation for electron-hole pairf

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