局部群表示论.对应和Langlands-Shahidi方法作者:叶扬波、田野 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787030380326 定价:45.0 出版时间:2013-07-01 出版社:科学出版社 |
局部群表示论.对应和Langlands-Shahidi方法 内容简介
局部群表示论.对应和Langlands-Shahidi方法 目录
preface1 arithmetic of cuspidal representations colin j.bushnell
1.1 cuspidal representations by induction
1.1.1 background and notation
1.1.2 intertwining and hecke algebras
1.1.3 compact induction
1.1.4 an example
1.1.5 a broader context
1.2 lattices, orders and strata
1.2.1 lattices and orders
1.2.2 lattice chains
1.2.3 multiplicative structures
1.2.4 duality
1.2.5 strata and intertwining
1.2.6 field extensions
1.2.7 minimal elements
1.3 fundamental strata
1.3.1 fundamental strata
1.3.2 application to representations
1.3.3 the characteristic polynomial
1.3.4 nonsplit fundamental strata
1.4 prime dimension
1.4.1 a trivial case
1.4.2 the general case
1.4.3 the inducing representation
1.4.4 uniqueness
1.4.5 summary
1.5 simple strata and simple characters
1.5.1 adjoint map
1.5.2 critical exponent
1.5.3 construction
1.5.4 intertwining
1.5.5 definitions
1.5.6 interwining
1.5.7 motility
1.6 structure of cuspidal representations
1.6.1 trivial simple characters
1.6.2 occurrence of a simple character
1.6.3 heisenberg representations
1.6.4 a further restriction
1.6.5 end of the road
1.7 endo-equivalence and lifting
1.7.1 transfer of simple characters
1.7.2 endo-equivalence
1.7.3 invariants
1.7.4 tame lifting
1.7.5 tame induction map for endo-classes
1.8 relation with the langlands correspondence
1.8.1 the weil group
1.8.2 representations
1.8.3 the langlands correspondence
1.8.4 relation with tame lifting
1.8.5 ramification theorem
2 basic representation theory of reductive p-adic groups corinne blondel
2.1 smooth representations of locally profinite groups
2.1.1 locally profinite groups
2.1.2 basic representation theory
2.1.3 smooth representations
2.1.4 induced representations
2.2 admissible representations of locally profinite groups
2.2.1 admissible representations
2.2.2 haar measure
2.2.3 hecke algebra of a locally profinite group
2.2.4 coinvariants
2.3 schur?s lemma and z-compact representations
2.3.1 characters
2.3.2 schur?s lemma and central character
2.3.3 z-compact representations
2.3.4 an example
2.4 cuspidal representations of reductive p-adic groups
2.4.1 parabolic induction and restriction
2.4.2 parabolic pairs
2.4.3 cuspidal representations
2.4.4 iwahori decomposition
2.4.5 smooth irreducible representations are admissible
3 the bernstein decomposition for smooth complex representations of gln(f) vincent s?echerre
3.1 compact representations
3.1.1 the decomposition theorem
3.1.2 formal degree of an irreducible compact representation
3.1.3 proof of theorem 1.3
3.1.4 the compact part of a smooth representation of h
3.2 the cuspidal part of a smooth representation
3.2.1 from compact to cuspidal representations
3.2.2 the group h satisfies the finiteness condition (*)
3.2.3 the cuspidal part of a smooth representation
3.3 the noncuspidal part of a smooth representation
3.3.1 the cuspidal support of an irreducible representation
3.3.2 the decomposition theorem
3.3.3 further questions
3.4 modular smooth representations of gln(f)
3.4.1 the l ≠ p case
3.4.2 the l ≠ p case
4 lecturesonthelocaltheta correspondence david manderscheid
4.1 lecture 1
4.1.1 the heisenberg group
4.1.2 the weil representation
4.1.3 dependence on ψ
4.1.4 now suppose that w1 and w2 are symplectic spaces over f
4.1.5 models of ρψ and ωψ
4.2 lecture 2
自然科学 数学 数学理论
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