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Malliavin随机分析和相关论题-第2版作者:纽勒特 著 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787510061370 定价:59.0 出版时间:2013-10-01 出版社:世界图书出版公司 |
Malliavin随机分析和相关论题-第2版 目录
analysis on the wiener space
1.1 wiener chaos and stochastic integrals
1.1.1 the wiener chaos decomposition
1.1.2 the white noise case: multiple wiener-it5integrals
1.1.3 it5 stochastic calculus
1.2 the derivative operator
1.2.1 the derivative operator in the white noise case.
1.3 the divergence operator
1.3.1 properties of the divergence operator
1.3.2 the skorohod integral
1.3.3 the it5 stochastic integral as a particularcase
of the skorohod integral
1.3.4 stochastic integral representation
of wiener functionals
1.3.5 local properties
1.4 the ornstein-uhlenbeck semigroup
1.4.1 the semigroup of ornstein-uhlenbeck
1.4.2 the generator of the ornstein-uhlenbecksemigroup
1.4.3 hypercontractivity property
and the multiplier theorem
1.5 sobolev spaces and tile equivalence of norms
Malliavin随机分析和相关论题-第2版 节选

自然科学 数学 概率论与数理统计
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