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生物数学-第2卷-第3版作者:莫里 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787510052750 定价:129.0 出版时间:2013-01-01 出版社:世界图书出版公司 |
生物数学-第2卷-第3版 内容简介
生物数学-第2卷-第3版 目录
contents, volume ⅱpreface to the third edition
preface to the first edition
1. multi-species waves and practical applications
1.1 intuitive expectations
1.2 waves of pursuit and evasion in predator-prey systems
1.3 competition model for the spatial spread of the grey squirrel in britain
1.4 spread of genetically engineered organisms
1.5 travelling fronts in the belousov-zhabotinskii reaction
1.6 waves in excitable media
1.7 travelling wave trains in reaction diffusion systems with oscillatory kinetics
1.8 spiral waves
1.9 spiral wave solutions of reaction diffusion systems
2. spatial pattern formation with reaction diffusion systems

自然科学 数学 应用数学
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