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郭柏灵论文集-第九卷作者:郭柏灵 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787562337935 定价:75.0 出版时间:2012-10-01 出版社:华南理工大学出版社 |
郭柏灵论文集-第九卷 内容简介
郭柏灵论文集-第九卷 目录
2010the well-posedness of stochastic korteweg-de vries benjamin-ono equation
finite-time blowup for zakharov system with combined power-type nonlinearities
solutions for the fractional landau-lifshitz equation
global weak solution for a equations in plasma
global smooth solutions for the one-dimensional spin-polarized transport equation
regularity criteria for the navier-stokes-landau-lifshitz system
on the primitive equations of large-scale ocean with random boundary
martingale and stationary solutions for stochastic non-newtonian fluids
instability of standing waves for hamiltonian wave equations
existence of the weak solution of coupled time-dependent ginzburg-landauequations
global existence of solutions to the periodic initial value problems for two-dimensional newton-boussinesq equations
global existence and blowup for the cubic nonlinear klein-gordon equationsin three space dimensions
on the existence and uniqueness of smooth solution for a generalized zakharovequation
a note on vortex solutions of landau-lifshitz equation

自然科学 数学 数学分析
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