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中国干旱区自然地理作者:陈曦 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787030275837 定价:218.0 出版时间:2010-06-01 出版社:科学出版社 |
中国干旱区自然地理 本书特色
《中国干旱区自然地理》:This book studies the interactions between various physical elements and human factors in the arid land of China. It makes all important step forward in the comprehensive and scientific research on regional geography. By thoroughly reviewing and integrating theoretical research and practical applications of physical geography in recent 50 years, the book systematically describes the formation and evolution of physical geographic patterns,environmental c11aractcristics,natural resources and their rational utilization i11 China's arid land. The book is organized into two sections and twenty chapters. The first section consists of ten chapters and describes i11 detail the interactions among the various physical elements in the arid 1and of China. Moreover. tile formation and evolution not、physical geographic patterns,and the structures and processes of the physical environment are also outlined. The second section consists often chapters,in which areal differentiation is described. and a scheme of physical geographic regionalization is put forward. Some rational suggestions and countermeasures are also elaborated on natural resource utilization. environment protection and sustainable social and economic development at sub-regional level. With plentiful contents and accurate data. this book is a rigorous and distinct work .concluding with many innovative viewpoints and findings. All of these make the book a good reference for scientists,teachers and students who arc engaged in research on geography,geology,climatology,hydrology,landscape ecology,agriculture,forestry,environmental protection and management i11 arid land.
中国干旱区自然地理 内容简介
中国干旱区自然地理 目录
上篇 总论
**章 绪论
第二章 地理环境的基本特征及其形成背景
第三章 地质基础与地貌特征
第四章 气候
第五章 地表水文与水资源
第六章 地下水资源
第七章 主要水系与湖泊
第八章 植物地理
第九章 土壤地理
第十章 陆栖脊椎动物地理
下篇 分论
第十一章 自然地理区划
第十二章 阿拉善温带荒漠自然区
第十三章 河西走廊荒漠自然区
第十四章 阿尔泰—塔城森林草原自然区
第十五章 准噶尔盆地荒漠自然区
第十六章 伊犁—巴音布鲁克中天山自然区
第十七章 哈密(戈壁)荒漠自然区
第十八章 吐鲁番盆地荒漠自然区
第十九章 塔里木盆地极端干旱荒漠自然区
第二十章 库姆塔格—敦煌荒漠自然区
中国干旱区自然地理 节选
自然科学 地球科学 自然地理学
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