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色散管理光孤子的数学理论作者:比斯瓦斯(Biswas 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787040182927 定价:39.0 出版时间:2010-01-01 出版社:高等教育出版社 |
色散管理光孤子的数学理论 本书特色
色散管理光孤子的数学理论 内容简介
the book is intended for researchers and graduate students in applied mathematics, physics and engineering and also it will be of interest to those who are conducting research in nonlinear fiber optics.
色散管理光孤子的数学理论 目录
1 introductionreferences
2 nonlinear schrodinger's equation
2.1 derivation of nlse
2.1.1 limitations of conventional solitons
2.1.2 dispersion-management
2.1.3 mathematical formulation
2.2 integrals of motion
2.3 soliton perturbation theory
2.3.1 perturbation terms
2.4 variational principle
2.4.1 perturbation terms
3 polarization preserving fibers
3.1 introduction
3.2 integrals of motion
3.2.1 gaussian pulses
3.2.2 super-gaussian pulses
3.2.3 super-sech pulses
3.3 variational principle
3.3.1 gaussian pulses
3.3.2 super-gaussian pulses
3.4 perturbation terms
3.4.1 gaussian pulses
3.4.2 super-gaussian pulses
3.5 stochastic perturbation
4 birefringent fibers
4.1 introduction
4.2 integrals of motion
4.2.1 gaussian pulses
4.2.2 super-gaussian pulses
4.3 variational principle
4.3.1 gaussian pulses
4.3.2 super-gaussian pulses
4.4 perturbation terms
4.4.1 gaussian pulses
4.4.2 super-gaussian pulses
5 multiple channels
5.1 introduction
5.2 integrals of motion
5.2.1 gaussian pulses
5.2.2 super-gaussian pulses
5.3 variational principle
5.3.1 gaussian pulses
5.3.2 super-gaussian pulses
5.4 perturbation terms
5.4.1 gaussian pulses
5.4.2 super-gaussian pulses
6 optical crosstalk
6.1 in-band crosstalk
6.2 gaussian optical pulse
6.2.1 bit error rate
6.3 sech optical pulse
6.4 super-sech optical pulse
7 gabitov-turitsyn equation
7.1 introduction
7.2 polarization-preserving fibers
7.2.1 special solutions
7.3 birefringent fibers
7.4 dwdm system
7.5 properties of the kernel
7.5.1 lossless case
7.5.2 lossy case
8 quasi-linear pulses
8.1 introduction
8.2 polarization-preserving fibers
8.2.1 lossless system
8.2.2 lossy system
8.3 birefringent fibers
8.3.1 lossless system
8.3.2 lossy system
8.4 multiple channels
8.4.1 lossless system
8.4.2 lossy system
9 higher order gabitov-turitsyn equations
9.1 introduction
9.2 polarization preserving fibers
9.3 birefringent fibers
9.4 dwdm systems
色散管理光孤子的数学理论 节选
《色散管理光孤子的数学理论》内容简介:Mathematical Theory of Dispersion-Managed Optical Solitons discusses recent advances covering optical solitons, soliton perturbation, optical cross-talk, Gabitov-Turitsyn Equations, quasi-linear pulses, and higher order Gabitov-Turitsyn Equations. Focusing on a mathematical perspective, the book bridges the gap between concepts in engineering and mathematics, and gives an outlook to many new topics for further research. The book is intended for researchers and graduate students in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Engineering and also it will be of interest to those who are conducting research in nonlinear fiber optics.
自然科学 物理学 光学
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