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色散管理光孤子的数学理论 相关资料

插图:The main feature of DM soliton is that it does not maintain its shape,width or peak power, unlike a fundamental soliton. However, DM solitonparameters repeat through dispersion map from period to period. This makesDM solitons applicable in communications in spite of changes in shape, widthor peak power. From a systems standpoint, these DM solitons perform better.By a proper choice of initial pulse energy, width and chirp will periodicallypropagate in the same dispersion map. The pulse energies much smaller thancritical energy should be avoided in designing DM soliton system, whereasif the pulse energy is the same as the critical energy, it is the most suitablesituation. An inappropriate choice of initial pulse energy may cause pulseinteraction and thus lead to detrimental pulse distortion. The required mapperiod becomes shorter as the bit rate increases.The main difference between the average group velocity dispersion (GVD)solitons and DM solitons lies in its higher peak power requirements for sustaining DM solitons. The larger energy of DM solitons benefits a soliton system by improving the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and decreasing the timingjitter. The use of periodic dispersion map enables ultra high data transmission over large distances without using any in-line optical filters since theperiodic use of dispersion-compensating fibers (DCF) reduces timing jitterby a large factor. An important application of the dispersion-management is in upgrading the existing terrestrial networks employing standard fibers. Recent experiments show that the use of DM solitons has the potential of realizingtransoceanic light-wave systems capable of operating with a capacity of 1Tb/s or more.Optical amplifiers compensate fiber losses but on the other hand inducetiming jitter. This phenomena is mainly caused by the change of solitonfrequency which affects the group velocity or the speed a

色散管理光孤子的数学理论 作者简介

作者:(印度)比斯瓦斯(Biswas,A.) (塞尔维亚)米洛维克(Milovec,D.) (美国)马修(Matthew,E.) 丛书主编:罗朝俊 (瑞典)伊布拉基莫夫

Dr. Anjan Biswas is an Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics, Delaware State University, Dover, DE, USA. Dr. Daniela Milovic is an Associate Professor at the Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nis, Serbia. Dr. Matthew Edwards is the Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences at Alabama A & M University in Huntsville, AL, USA.


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自然科学 物理学 光学
