GB 50010-2010-混凝土结构设计规范
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GB 50010-2010-混凝土结构设计规范作者:中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787112169443 定价:1380.0 出版时间:2014-09-01 出版社:中国建筑工业出版社 |
GB 50010-2010-混凝土结构设计规范 目录
1 general2 terms and symbols
2.1 terms
2.2 symbols
3 general requirements
3.1 general
3.2 structural scheme
3.3 ultimate limit states
3.4 serviceability limit states
3.5 durability requirements
3.6 principles for design against progressive collapse
3.7 principles for design of existing structures
4 materials
4.1 concrete
4.2 steel reinforcement
5 structural analysis
5.1 general
5.2 analysis model
5.3 elastic analysis
5.4 plastic internal forces redistribution analysis
5.5 elastic-plastic analysis
5.6 plastic limit analysis
5.7 indirect action effect analysis
6 ultimate limit states
6.1 general
6.2 load-carrying capacity of normal sections
6.3 load-carryring capacity of oblique sections
6.4 load-carrying capacity of sections subjected to torsion
6.5 punching shear capacity
6.6 local bearing capacity
6.7 fatigue analysis
7 serviceability limit states
7.1 crack control
7.2 deflection of flexural members
8 detailing requirements
8.1 expansion joint
8.2 concrete cover
8.3 anchorage of steel reinforcement
8.4 splices of steel reinforcement
8.5 minimum ratio of reinforcement for longitudinal load-carrying steel reinforcement fundamental requirements for structural members
9.1 slabs
9.2 beams
9.3 columns, joints and brackets
9.4 walls
9.5 composite members
9.6 precast concrete structures
9.7 embedded parts and connecting pieces
10 prestressed concrete structural members
10.1 general
10.2 calculation of prestress losses
10.3 detailing of prestressed concrete members
11 seismic design of reinforced concrete structural members
11.1 general
11.2 materials
11.3 frame beams
11.4 frame columns and columns supporting structural transfer member
11.5 columns of hinged bent
11.6 joints of frame
11.7 shear walls and coupling beams
11.8 prestressed concrete structural members
11.9 slab-column joints
appendix a nominal diameter, crosssectional area and theoretical self weight of steel reinforcement
appendix b approximate coefficient method for second order effect of sway structure
appendix c constitutive relations for steel reinforcement and concrete and the
appendix d design of plain concrete structural members
appendix e calculation for flexual and axial capacity of circular, annular and arbitrary cross sections
appendix f design value of equivalent concentrated reaction used for calculation of slabcolumn joints
appendix g deep flexural members
appendix h composite beam and slab without shores
appendix j prestress losses of curved posttensionedtendons due to anchorage seating and tendon shortening
appendix k time-dependent losses of prestress
explanation of wording in this code
list of quoted standards

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