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中外景观:049:设计公司的管理与发展作者:中国建筑文化中心编 开 本:29cm 书号ISBN:9787534594281 定价:45.0 出版时间:2014-10-01 出版社:江苏科学技术出版社 |
中外景观:049:设计公司的管理与发展 本书特色
中外景观:049:设计公司的管理与发展 内容简介
本书共分为: 新闻 ; 观点 ; 话题 ; 生态旅游·文化景观主题沙龙 ; 国外 ; 案例 ; 阅读 ; 七部分, 主要内容包括: 产品时代2.0 —— 对设计公司战略管理的认识 ; 生态文明背景下的“海绵城市”与水生态基础设施建设等?
中外景观:049:设计公司的管理与发展 目录
新闻 news
观点 view
产品时代2.0 —对设计公司战略管理的认识 陈阳 product era2.0–understanding on strategy management of design company chen yang
生态文明背景下的“海绵城市”与水生态基础设施建设 王思思“sponge city” and water eco-infrastructure construction under the background of ecological civilization wang sisi
话题 topic
企业的生存就是要形成自己的核心竞争力—中国中建设计集团有限公司(直营总部) 董事长、党委书记、教授级高级建筑师、国家一级注册建筑师孙福春
for an enterprise, to survive is to have its own core competitive power—china construction engineering design group corporation limited(headquarter)
chairman,party secretary, professor–rand senior architect, national class 1 registered architect sun fuchun
易兰:坚持生态主导,做有责任感的设计企业 ecoland 易兰国际 总裁陈跃中
ecoland ecological lead design, responsible to the land
ecoland chief designer chen yuezhong
发展会随着时代的进步不断修正和完善 hmd中国 董事总经理徐
development will improve and correct itself as time goes on
hmd china managing director xu shi
东方园林景观设计集团 首席设计师、edsa orient 及东方艾地(id)总裁兼首席设计师李建伟
flexible management lead to more creative work and social responsibility
the magor designer of orient landscape croup and the presidentof edsa orient and ideal landscape insititute li jianwei
上海广亩景观设计有限公司 执行董事、总经理张灼
combine with good–quality resources and create indigenous landscape
shanghai gm landscape design co., ltd. executive director and general manager alleen zhang
澳大利亚柏涛景观 副总经理 设计总监雷毅
deposit and tolerance of business management
botao landscape (australia) deputy general manager and design director lei yi
美国俪禾景观规划设计有限公司 总裁兼首席设计师韩全
build professionalized management mode
america leedscape planning and design co., ltd president and chief designer han quan
汇绿园林建设股份有限公司 副总工程师,设计总监熊忠武
winning design projects is fundamental to the survival of design company
huilv landscape construction co., ltd. assistant chief engineer design director xiong zhongwu
中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所研究员,北京都会规划设计院 院长李征
strong sense of social responsibility, good profitability and open mind the institute of agricultural resources and agricultural
regionalization researcher at the chinese academy of agricultural sciences beijing institute of metropolis planning and design director li zheng
上海选泉建筑景观规划设计有限公司 创始人兼首席设计师林选泉
inspiration is “forced” out naturally when it is the time
shanghai xuanquan architecture & landscape planing and design co., ltd. founder and chief designer lin xuanquan
eco-tourism cultural landscape theme salon
respect folkway and pay attention to science seek firm development direction in the transformation period
建筑 园林景观/环境艺术 规划与设计
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