绿色建筑的一体化设计-影印版作者:尤德尔森 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787560344966 定价:88.0 出版时间:2014-06-01 出版社:哈尔滨工业大学出版社 |
绿色建筑的一体化设计-影印版 本书特色
绿色建筑的一体化设计-影印版 目录
chapter 1 the recipe for success in high-performance projects
chapter 2 green buildings today
high-performance building characteristics
the leed rating systems
other green building rating systems
looking to the future
the larger picture
barriers to green building growth
chapter 3 the practice of integrated design
elements of the integrated design process
an architect's perspective
what integrated design is not
the role of bhags
the integrated design team
integrated design from the engineer's perspective
integrated design in practice——an architect's experience
international integrated design: the new york times building
the contractor's role in integrated design
a new trend——the integrated office?
chapter 4 the eco-charrette
the charrette process
swot analysis
the university of pennsylvania morris arboretum project
adopt "right mind"
chapter 5 barriers to high-performance buildings:why some projects succeed and others fail
fewer higher-level certifications
what needs to happen
getting consistent results
chapter 6 the business case for green buildings
incentives and barriers to green buildings
benefits that build a business case
economic benefits
risk management
health improvements
public relations and marketing
recruitment and retention
financing green projects
who benefits?
chapter 7 costs of green buildings
chapter 8 integrated project management-cost/benefit
analysis of green buildings
chapter 9 getting started-predesign considerations
chapter 10 conceptual and schematic desiln
chapter 11 design development
chapter 12 construction documents phase
chapter 13 construction and operations
chapter 14 looking aheadmdesigning living buildings
appendix a |ntegrated design resources
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