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国外顶级HOUSE 本书特色

    architecture is a material and social art that is the most profound of all the arts because we live inside it.     the danish philosopher kierkegaard once observed, "the highest and most beautiful things in life are not to be heard about, nor read about,nor seen but, if one will, are to be lived."architecture, designed to be "lived" in, or experienced, as part of the fabric of a larger community and as expressions of the needs of its inhabitants, can produce an unexpected set of relationships and opportunities that become manifested as social and spatial events.     it is the experiential quality of these events,the juxtaposing and arrangement of objects and forms that, when precisely crafted and well positioned, can produce extraordinarily beautiful meanings that are recognized within the participant or community.     the meaning of the works revealed in this book,fascinating house is conveyed in each ofthe projects moments of complexity, diversity,beauty, and richness. within these moments,architecture emerges as an art form, critically engaged with the visual, social, and historical culture of which it is an active part.

国外顶级HOUSE 内容简介

《国外顶级house》介绍了来自国外的顶级house设计,这些设计出自国外的知名建筑师之手,为人们呈现了国外house的设计方式及设计理念,这些建筑,或建于城市之中,或建于山谷之中,或建于海边峭壁之边,这些奇特的建筑用地均被设计师的巧夺天工的设计,将建筑完全融入到了周边环境,让人们欣赏到国外顶级house的魅力。特点:国外顶级house设计,引领house建筑潮流。 卖点:为建筑设计师提供顶级house设计理念与设计灵感。

国外顶级HOUSE 目录

lakeview residence
graticule house
villa roling
fort scott residence
kensington residence
king residence
edge house
casa torcida
casa c
north bay
la gorce
bill's house
leicester house
a-house with a alley
waterfall house 国外顶级HOUSE

建筑 建筑外观设计 住宅建筑


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