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油气光学的研究与进展 本书特色

本书提出油气光学概念,开拓了油气光学工程的研究方向,将光学前 沿技术与油气资源的勘探开发相结合,开展了油气物质光学性质的应用基 础研究及光学方法在油气领域应用的重大关键技术、前瞻性技术研究,涵 盖了太赫兹光谱、斜入射光反射差、激光感生电压、激光超声等光学新技 术在石油勘探、油气储运、石油化工及环境污染和安全领域的研究与应用 进展。 进展。

油气光学的研究与进展 内容简介


油气光学的研究与进展 目录

**篇 油气光学探测技术
Application of THz technology in oil and gas optics 3
Less than 6 GHz resolution THz spectroscopy of water vapor 8
Determining the humidity-dependent ortho-to-para ratio of water vapor at room temperature by terahertz spectroscopy 19
Size effect on microparticle detection 30
Surface phase-transition dynamics of ice probed by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy 39
第二篇 油气储层潜能的光学技术表征评价
Characterizing the rock geological time by terahertz spectrum 51
Characterization of inclusions in evolution of sodium sulfate using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy 57
CaCO3, its reaction and carbonate rocks: Terahertz spectroscopy investigation 66
Spectral characterization of the key parameters and elements in coal using terahertz spectroscopy 78
Applying terahertz time-domain spectroscopy to probe the evolution of kerogen in close pyrolysis systems 90
Discriminating the mineralogical composition in drill cuttings based on absorption spectra in terahertz range 95
Oil yield characterization by anisotropy in optical parameters of the oil shale 108
Optimization of pyrolysis efficiency based on optical property of semicoke in terahertz region 119
The mechanism of the terahertz spectroscopy for oil shale detection 130
Layer caused an anisotropic terahertz response of a 3D-printed simulative shale core 141
Characterizing the oil and water distribution in low permeability core by reconstruction of terahertz images 151
Laser-induced voltage of oil shale for characterizing the oil yield 155
Ultraviolet laser-induced lateral photovoltaic response in anisotropic black shale 166
Ultraviolet laser-induced voltage in anisotropic shale 174
Transient laser-induced voltaic response in a partially illuminated dielectric core 184
Characterizing the rock perforation process by laser-induced voltage response 193
页岩各向异性的全光学检测 198
Characterizing of oil shale pyrolysis process with laser ultrasonic detection 209
Evaluation of simulated reservoirs by using the oblique- incidence reflectivity difference technique 218
Real-time detection of dielectric anisotropy or isotropy in unconventional oil-gas reservoir rocks supported by the oblique-incidence reflectivity difference technique 222
Supporting information 234
Oblique-incidence reflectivity difference application for morphology detection 241
In situ monitoring of water adsorption in active carbon using an oblique-incidence optical reflectance difference method 250
Real-time monitoring the formation and decomposition processes of methane hydrate with THz spectroscopy 257
第三篇 光学技术在油气储运中的应用
Simultaneous characterization of water content and distribution in high-water-cut crude oil 263
Non-contacting characterization of oil-gas interface with terahertz wave 274
Terahertz dependent evaluation of water content in high-water-cut crude oil using additive-manufactured samplers 277
Non-contact measurement of the water content in crude oil with all-optical detection 288
The detection of water flow in rectangular microchannels by terahertz time domain spectroscopy 297
Pattern transitions of oil-water two-phase flow with low water content in rectangular horizontal pipes probed by terahertz spectrum 309

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工业技术 石油、天然气工业


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