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半导体多层膜中的电子和声子-第二版-(影印版) 本书特色

纳米技术的发展催生了只有几个分子厚度的半导体结构,这给该结构中电子和声子的物理带来了重要影响。《半导体多层膜中的电子和声子(第二版)(英文影印版)》阐述了量子阱和量子线中的电子和声子囚禁对半导体特性的影响。第二版中加入了电子自旋弛豫、六角纤锌晶格、氮化物结构和太赫兹源等方面的内容。本书独特之处在于对光学声子的微观理论的阐述,其由囚禁引起的径向性质改变以及与电子的相互作用等。   本书适合半导体物理领域的研究者和研究生阅读。

半导体多层膜中的电子和声子-第二版-(影印版) 内容简介


半导体多层膜中的电子和声子-第二版-(影印版) 目录

preface page xi
introduction 1
1 simple models of the electron-phonon interaction 9
1.1 general remarks 9
1.2 early models of optical-phonon confinement 10
1.2.1 the dielectric-continuum (dc) model 11
1.2.2 the hydrodynamic (hd) model 16
1.2.3 the reformulated-mode (rm) model 18
1.2.4 hybrid modes 21
1.3 the interaction of electrons with bulk phonons 22
1.3.1 the scattering rate 22
1.3.2 the coupling coefficients 24
1.3.3 the overlap integral in 2d 27
1.3.4 the 2d rates 29
1.3.5 the 1d rates 34
1.4 the interaction with model confined phonons 35
2 quantum confinement of carriers 42
2.1 the effective-mass equation 42
2.1.1 introduction 42
2.1.2 the envelope-function equation 44
2.1.3 the local approximation 46
2.1.4 the effective-mass approximation 48
2.2 the confinement of electrons 49
2.3 the confinement of holes 53
2.4 angular dependence of matrix elements 62
2.5 non-parabolicity 64
2.6 band-mixing 66
3 quasi-continuum theory of lattice vibrations 67
3.1 introduction 67
3.2 linear-chain models 69
3.2.1 bulk solutions 69
3.2.2 interface between nearly matched media 71
3.2.3 interface between mismatched media 75
3.2.4 free surface 75
3.2.5 summary 76
3.3 the envelope function 76
3.4 non-local operators 78
3.5 acoustic and optical modes 80
3.6 boundary conditions 83
3.7 interface model 85
3.8 summary 91
appendix: the local approximation 94
4 bulk vibrational modes in an isotropic continuum 97
4.1 elasticity theory 97
4.2 polar material 104
4.3 polar optical waves 105
4.4 energy density 107
4.5 two-mode alloys 114
5 optical modes in a quantum well 119
5.1 non-polar material 119
5.2 polar material 122
5.3 barrier modes: optical-phonon tunnelling 127
5.4 the effect of dispersion 137
5.5 quantization of hybrid modes 137
6 superlattice modes 141
6.1 superlattice hybrids 141
6.2 superlattice dispersion 144
6.3 general features 148
6.4 interface polaritons in a superlattice 154
6.5 the role of lo and to dispersion 155
6.6 acoustic phonons 157
7 optical modes in various structures 160
7.1 introduction 160
7.2 monolayers 160
7.2.1 single monolayer 162
7.2.2 double monolayer 166
7.3 metal-semiconductor structures 170
7.4 slab modes 173
7.5 quantum wires 176
7.6 quantum dots 181
8 electron-optical phonon interaction in a quantum well 182
8.1 introduction 182
8.2 scattering rate 183
8.3 scattering potentials for hybrids 184
8.4 matrix elements for an indefinitely deep well 185
8.5 scattering rates for hybrids 187
8.6 threshold rates 189
8.7 scattering by barrier lo modes 192
8.8 scattering by interface polaritons 194
8.9 summary of threshold rates in an indefinitely deep well 197
8.9.1 intrasubband rates 197
8.9.2 intersubband rates 198
8.10 comparison with simple models 199
8.11 the interaction in a superlattice 202

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工业技术 电子通信 半导体技术


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