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空调系统建模及控制-(英文版) 本书特色


空调系统建模及控制-(英文版) 目录

1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Modeling Approaches in HVAC Field
1.2.1 Physics-Based Modeling Approach
1.2.2 Data-Driven Modeling Approach
1.2.3 Hybrid Modeling Approach
1.3 Proposed Methods
1.3.1 State-Space Modeling
1.3.2 Graph-Theory Modeling
1.3.3 Combined Forecasting Modeling
1.3.4 Decomposition-Coordination Algorithm for Global Optimization Model
1.3.5 Virtual Calibration for HVAC Sensors
1.3.6 Model-Based Predictive Control (MPC)
1.4 Organization of This Book

2 Component Modeling with State-Space Method
2.1 Basic Knowledge about State-Space Modeling Method
2.2 Modeling for HVAC Components
2.2.1 Water-to-Air Heat Exchanger
2.2.2 Chiller
2.2.3 Cooling Tower
2.2.4 Duct (Pipe) and Fan (Pump)
2.2.5 Air-Conditioned Room Modeling
2.3 Modeling for HVAC System
2.3.1 Component Model Connection
2.3.2 State-Space Representation for HVAC System
2.3.3 Case Study

3 Dynamic Simulations with State-Space Models
3.1 On Water-to-Air Surface Heat Exchanger
3.1.1 Subjected to Different Perturbations
3.1.2 For Different Initial Conditions
3.2 On Chiller
3.2.1 Subjected to Different Perturbations
3.2.2 For Different Initial Conditions
3.3 On Cooling Tower
3.3.1 Subjected to Different Perturbations
3.3.2 For Different Initial Conditions
3.4 On Duct and Pipe
3.4.1 On Straight-Through Duct
3.4.2 On Straight-Through Pipe
3.5 On Air-Conditioned Room
3.5.1 Basic Conditions
3.5.2 Subjected to Different Perturbations

4 Graph-Theory Modeling and Structure-Matrix Analysis
4.1 Graph-Theory Modeling for HVAC Component State-Space Models
4.1.1 Fundamental Rules
4.1.2 Case Study
4.2 Graph-Theory Modeling for HVAC System
4.2.1 Basic Method
4.2.2 Case Study
4.3 Structure-Matrix Analysis Approach
4.3.1 Model Structural Matrix
4.3.2 Reachability Analysis of Model Input-Output
4.3.3 Controllability/Observability Analysis of Model
4.3.4 Case Study

5 Virtual Measurement Modeling
5.1 Virtual Calibration
5.1.1 Conventional Calibration
5.1.2 Methodology of Virtual In Situ Calibration
5.1.3 Case Study
5.2 Virtual Sensing
5.2.1 Development Methodology for Virtual Sensing
5.2.2 Case Study
5.2.3 Model Development

6 Control Design Based on State-Space Model
6.1 Model-Based Predictive Control (MPC)
6.1.1 Introduction of MPC
6.1.2 MPC in Broad Definition
6.2 Applications of MPC in HVAC Field
6.2.1 Control of a Hybrid Ventilation Unit
6.2.2 Control of Space Thermal Conditioning
6.3 State-Space Feedback Control System Design
6.3.1 Basic Principle
6.3.2 Control System Design for Water-to-Air Heat Exchanger
6.3.3 MATLAB Simulation of the Control System
6.3.4 Control System Design for Refrigeration System

7 Combined Forecasting Models for Air-Conditioning
Load Prediction
7.1 Typical Methods
7.1.1 MLR Modeling
7.1.2 ARIMA Modeling
7.1.3 GM Modeling
7.1.4 ANN Modeling
7.2 Combined Forecasting Model Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

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