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航运系统对能源运输保障的作用-(英文版) 本书特色

《航运系统对能源运输保障的作用(英文版)》出版获教育部人文社科基金(项目号:12yjcgjw001)和上海交通大学“985”三期研究生教育创新课题资助。   《航运系统对能源运输保障的作用(英文版)》针对当前能源安全问题,重点讨论了航运系统对能源运输保障的作用。《航运系统对能源运输保障的作用(英文版)》分为三部分:**部分为能源安全问题概述;第二部分为主要能源,如煤炭、原油和天然气的海上运输系统的安全评估;第三部分为航线安全,包括马六甲、南海周边地区及北极航线问题和船队航行安全等内容。   《航运系统对能源运输保障的作用(英文版)》读者可以是从事能源、航运、外交、法律、金融和以上交叉学科的科研工作者和学生,也可以是对21世纪海上丝绸之路感兴趣者。

航运系统对能源运输保障的作用-(英文版) 目录

  part 1 foundations of energy security assessment
1 introductioof energy security
1.1 introductioof energy
1.1.1 iea
1.1.2 bp
1.2 concept of energy security
1.2.1 concept development
1.2.2 integrating energy security research
1.2.3 energy security concept
1.3 case study: measure the energy security
1.3.1 energy security of a state
1.3.2 energy supply structure
2 effects of renewable energy
2.1 installed capacity and power generation
2.2 the 12th fyp for renewable energy development
2.3 contributioof renewable energy during the 12th five-year period
2.4 renewable energy technologies
2.4.1 renewable energy technology application
2.4.2 china's renewable energy technology exports
2.5 the renewable energy law and policy
2.5.1 renewable energy law
2.5.2 government policy support for renewable energy industry.
2.5.3 joint r & d mechanism
2.5.4 the influence of cleadevelopment mechanism (cdm) ochina
3 energy efficiency
3.1 industrial energy consumptioand efficiency
3.1.1 data description
3.1.2 energy intensity, elasticity and deposition
3.2 energy consumptioand efficiency imanufacturing industry
3.2.1 gdp and energy consumption
3.2.2 energy consumptioand efficiency trends ithe japanese manufacturing industry ify 1965——2010
3.2.3 energy consumptioand efficiency trends ithe chinese manufacturing industry i1980——2010
3.2.4 comparisoof the energy consumptioand efficiency trends of the japanese and chinese manufacturing industry
3.3 energy policy and energy efficiency
part 2 shipping system of maisources import transportation
4 shipping system
4.1 concept of shipping
4.2 tramp shipping
4.3 fluctuatioof shipping freight
4.4 world fleet for energy
4.4.1 tanker fleet
4.4.2 dry bulk fleet
4.4.3 lng fleet
5 coal supply and demand
5.1 coal reserves
5.2 coal supply
5.3 coal demand
5.4 coal imports
6 natural gas demand and supply
6.1 introductioof natural gas trade
6.2 globalizatioof natural gas trade
6.3 international gas trade network analysis
6.4 the evolutionary characteristics of international natural gas trade patterns
6.5 the inter-regional lng trade
6.6 lng import of china
7 oil import security assessment
7.1 energy security for importers
7.1.1 reference review
7.1.2 global oil price fluctuation
7.2 oil import security based othe supply chain
7.3 international oil transportation
7.3.1 by pipelines
7.3.2 by tankers
7.4 the situatioof china's oil supply-demand
7.4.1 china's increasing oil imports
7.4.2 china's oil import sources
7.4.3 china's oil supply-demand system
7.4.4 energy security strategies
7.5 evaluatioof oil security i1993——2011
7.6 safety of oil transportationetwork
7.6.1 china-kazakhstapipeline
7.6.2 china-russia pipeline
7.6.3 china-myanmar pipeline
part 3 shipping routes security
8 oil transportatioshipping routes security
8.1 world shipping routes introduction
8.2 world oil transit chokepoints
8.3 china's oil import shipping routes
9 strategies for maritime transport security
9.1 straits of malacca
9.1.1 global maritime piracy
9.1.2 multilateralism ithe straits of malacca and singapore
9.2 the south china sea (scs)

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