
首页 > 图书 > 科技/2020-08-02 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:Zhijun Wu[著]

开 本:24cm





语音信息隐藏:面向网络的实时语音保密通信方法 本书特色


语音信息隐藏:面向网络的实时语音保密通信方法 内容简介


语音信息隐藏:面向网络的实时语音保密通信方法 目录

chapter 1 introduction
  1.1 background
    1.1.1 progress in secure communication
    1.1.2 a new technique for secure communication: information hiding
  1.2 introduction to speech coding
    1.2.1 basic principles of speech coding
    1.2.2 speech coding standards
  1.3 related work
  1.4 analysis of available information hiding methods
    1.4.1 least significant bit
    1.4.2 phase hiding method
    1.4.3 echo hiding method
    1.4.4 hiding method based on statistics
    1.4.5 transform domain method
  1.5 organization of this book
chapter 2 the information hiding model for speech secure communication
  2.1 introduction and motivation
  2.2 model of information hiding as a communication problem
  2.3 speech information hiding model
    2.3.1 hiding capacity
    2.3.2 security
    2.3.3 speech quality
  2.4 experiments and results analysis
    2.4.1 hiding capacity
    2.4.2 security
    2.4.3 speech quality
  2.5 summary
chapter 3 the abs speech information hiding algorithm based on filter similarity
  3.1 introduction and motivation
    3.1.1 brief introduction to the abs scheme
    3.1.2 analysis of the abs scheme
  3.2 filter similarity
  3.3 lpc coefficient substitution based on filter similarity
    3.3.1 lpc substitution algorithm
    3.3.2 multicodebook
  3.4 secret speech information hiding and extraction algorithm
    3.4.1 speech information hiding algorithm
    3.4.2 speech information extraction algorithm
  3.5 experimental results and analysis
    3.5.1 selection of test parameters
    3.5.2 experimental results
    3.5.3 calculation complexity
    3.5.4 speech quality
  3.6 summary
chapter 4 the g.721-based speech information hiding approach
  4.1 introduction to the g.721 coding standard
    4.1.1 differential pulse code modulation
    4.1.2 adaptive schemes
  4.2 the approach to hide secret speech in g.721
    4.2.1 embedding algorithm
    4.2.2 extraction algorithm
  4.3 experimental results and analysis
    4.3.1 hiding capacity
    4.3.2 speech quality
  4.4 summary
chapter 5 the g.728-based speech information hiding approach
  5.1 code excited linear prediction
    5.1.1 the celp speech production model
    5.1.2 coding principles
    5.1.3 encoder operation
    5.1.4 perceptual weighting
    5.1.5 vector quantization
  5.2 introduction to the g.728 coding standard
  5.3 the celp-based scheme of speech information hiding and extraction

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