
首页 > 图书 > 科技/2020-08-02 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:Tianjian Lu,Fengxian

开 本:24cm





轻质夹层板结构的声振耦合理论 本书特色


轻质夹层板结构的声振耦合理论 内容简介


轻质夹层板结构的声振耦合理论 目录

1 transmission of sound through finite multiple-panel partition
 1.1 simply supported finite double-panel partitions
  1.1.1 introduction
  1.1.2 vibroacoustic theoretical modeling
  1.1.3 mathematic formulation and solution
  1.1.4 convergence check for numerical results
  1.1.5 model validation
  1.1.6 effects of air cavity thickness
  1.1.7 effects of panel dimensions
  1.1.8 effects of incident elevation angle and azimuth angle
  1.1.9 conclusions
 1.2 clamped finite double-panel partitions
  1.2.1 introduction
  1.2.2 modeling of the vibroacoustic coupled system
  1.2.3 model validation
  1.2.4 finite versus infinite double-panel partition
  1.2.5 effects of panel thickness on stl
  1.2.6 effects of air cavity thickness on stl
  1.2.7 effects of incident angles on stl
  1.2.8 conclusions
  1.2.9 sound transmission measurements
  1.2.10 relationships between clamped and simply supported boundary conditions
  1.2.11 conclusions
 1.3 clamped finite triple-panel partitions
  1.3.1 introduction
  1.3.2 dynamic structural acoustic formulation
  1.3.3 the principle of virtual work
  1.3.4 determination of modal coefficients
  1.3.5 sound transmission loss
  1.3.6 model validation
  1.3.7 physical interpretation of stl dips
  1.3.8 comparison among single-, double-, and triple-panel partitions with equivalent total mass
  1.3.9 asymptotic variation of stl versus frequency curve from finite to infinite system
  1.3.10 effects of panel thickness
  1.3.11 effects of air cavity depth
  1.3.12 concluding remarks
  appendix a
  appendix b
2 vibroacoustics of uniform structures in mean flow
 2.1 finite single-leaf aeroelastic plate
  2.1.1 introduction
  2.1.2 modeling of aeroelastic coupled system
  2.1.3 effects of mean flow in incident field
  2.1.4 effects of mean flow in transmitted field
  2.1.5 effects of incident elevation angle in the presence of mean flow on both incident side and transmitted side
  2.1.6 conclusions
 2.2 infinite double-leaf aeroelastic plates
  2.2.1 introduction
  2.2.2 statement of the problem
  2.2.3 formulation of plate dynamics
  2.2.4 consideration of fluid-structure coupling
  2.2.5 definition of sound transmission loss
  2.2.6 characteristic impedance of an infinite plate
  2.2.7 physical interpretation for the appearance of stl peaks and dips
  2.2.8 effects of mach number
  2.2.9 effects of elevation angle
  2.2.10 effects of azimuth angle

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