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海河水资源与水环境综合管理项目研究成果与应用作者:环保部环境保护对外合作中心 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787511106179 定价:86.0 出版时间:2012-12-22 出版社:中国环境出版社 |
海河水资源与水环境综合管理项目研究成果与应用 本书特色
海河水资源与水环境综合管理项目研究成果与应用 目录
chapter 1 overview of hal river basin and bohai sea1.1 bohai sea - the context
1.1.1 physical and biological environment of bohai sea and bohai bay
1,1.2 exploitation of natural resources of bohai sea
1.1.3 environmental pressures on bohai sea and bohai bay
1.2 hai river basin
1.2.1 socio-economic profile
1.2.2 environment
1.2.3 evapotranspiration (et)
1.2.4 social and economic situation in hai river basin
1.3 institutional situation and legal framework
1.3.1 the basin management system
1.3.2 analysis of the problems of the present management system
1.4 planning system in hai river basin
1.4.1 plan types
1.4.2 planning procedures
chapter 2 project content and technology roadmap
2.1 the gef hai river project
2.2 project objectives
2.2.1 geographical scope
2.2.2 project goals
2.2.3 specific objectives
2.3 overall project technical framework
2.4 management of the project
2.5 technical quality
2.6 peformance management
2.6.1 project monitoring and evaluation management system
2.6.2 indicator system for project monitoring and evaluation
2.7 capacity building
2.7.1 top-down, bottom-up and horizontal management principles
2.7.2 training
2.7.3 baseline survey
chapter 3 conceptual innovations and three technologies
3.1 new concepts -iwem
3.1.1 iwem in action
3.2 new technologies in gef haihe project
3.2.1 remote sensing for et management
3.2.2 knowledge management (km).
3.3 river coding
3.3.1 the stream reach as the fundamental unit of a surface water knowledge base
3.3.2 characteristics of the river coding system
3.4 et management
3.4.1 remote sensing estimate of et
3.5 development and application of the swat model and dualistic model
3.5.1 swat model in zhangweinan sub-basin
3.5.2 swat model of hai river basin
3.5.3 development and application of dualistic model
chapter 4 strategic studies for water resources and water environment and the demonstration projects
4.1 introduction
4.2 strategic study of institutional mechanisms, policies and regulations
4.2.1 overall objective
4.2.2 suggestions for iwem policies in hai river basin
4.2.3 improving the legal framework
4.2.4 suggestions on institutional reform for iwem in hai river basin.
4.2.5 implementation plan for reform
4.3 strategic studies on water resources
4.3.1 ss4: efficient water use and water savings
4.3.2 ss5: sustainable utilization of groundwater, water rights, and wate withdrawal permitting
4.3.3 ss6: wastewater recycling
4.3.4 ss8: reasonable water allocation in beijing after the south-north water transfer
4.4 strategic studies on water pollution control
4.4.1 ss2: iwem strategy for the bohai sea
4.4.2 strategic study 3: water ecological restoration
4.4.3 strategic study 7: control of pollution sources
4.4.4 rural non-point source(nps) pollution
4.5 demonstration projects
4.5.1 demonstration projects of water resources management
4.5.2 water pollution control demonstration projects
chapter 5 integrated water resources and environment management plans (iwemps)
5.1 overview of integrated water resources and environment management planning
5.2 tianjin municipality iwemp
工业技术 环境科学 环境保护管理
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