土壤 肥料 混凝土 石材 结构材料 林木 燃料 推进剂 炸药 复合材料-材料手册-7
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土壤 肥料 混凝土 石材 结构材料 林木 燃料 推进剂 炸药 复合材料-材料手册-7作者:卡达雷利 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787560344539 定价:58.0 出版时间:2014-04-01 出版社:哈尔滨工业大学出版社 | adiabatic flame temperature wobbe index for gaseous fuels
17.3 solid fuels: coals and cokes
17.4 liquid fuels
17.5 gaseous fuels
17.6 prices of common fuels
17.7 propellants
17.7.1 liquid propellants petroleum-based propellants cryogenic propellants hypergolic propellants
17.7.2 solid propellants
17.8 explosives
17.9 further reading
17.9.1 fuels and combustion
17.9.2 propellants and explosives
18 composite materials
18.1 definitions
18.2 properties of composites
18.2.1 density
18.2.2 tensile strength and elastic moduli
18.2.3 specific heat capacity.
18.2.4 thermal conductivity
18.2.5 thermal expansion coefficient
18.3 fabrication processes for monofilaments
18.4 reipforcement materials
18.4.1 glass fibers
18.4.2 boron fibers
18.4.3 carbon fibers
18.4.4 polyethylene fibers
18.4.5 polyaramide fibers
18.4.6 ceramic oxide fibers
18.4.7 silicon carbide fibers
18.5 polymer matrix composites (pmcs)
18.6 metal matrix composites (mmcs)
18.7 ceramic matrix composites (cmcs)
18.8 carbon-carbon composites (ccs)
18.9 further reading

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