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船舶电子电气专业英语 本书特色

     《船舶电子电气专业英语》(作者陈文涛、邢正 汉、刘卫)在编写过程中本着精简、实用和突出电子 电气专业特点的原则,充分考虑船舶电子电气工程 专业对学生的培养目标和未来工作岗位的职业需求, 覆盖了750kw及以上船舶电子电气员对“电子电 气员英语”课程考试所要求的主要内容,涉及船舶概 论、船舶电气、轮机自动控制技术、船舶计算机网 络、船舶通信与导航系统、船舶管理等方面的知识。      《船舶电子电气专业英语》可作为航海类院校“ 船舶电子电气专业英语”课程的教材,也可供船舶及 航运相关行业电子电 气技术人员作为提高专业英语水平的学习参考书。

船舶电子电气专业英语 目录

lesson 1 types of ships
lesson 2 ship’s structu re and measu rement
lesson 3 engine room machinery
lesson 4 deck machinery
lesson 5 steering gear
lesson 6 marine emergency arrangement and equipment
lesson 7 electrical measu ring instruments
lesson 8 semiconductor elements
lesson 9 storage battery
lesson 10 alternating cu rrent motors
lesson 11 squi rrel—cage motors
lesson 12 the a.c.motor protection
lesson 13 alternating cu rrent generator
lesson 14 alternator operation
lesson 15 switchboards
lesson 16 ship electric power station
lesson 17 rating.enclosures and maintenance of electric equipment
lesson 18 high voltage on ships
lesson 19 high voltage safety
lesson 20 high voltage equipment testing
lesson 21 electric propulsion system
lesson 22 basic theory of automatic control
lesson 23 examples of automatic control system
lesson 24 main engine remote control system
lesson 25 common types of sensors
lesson 26 fire detectors
lesson 27 the alarm.monitoring and protecting system
lesson 28 radar
lesson 29 gps and dgps
lesson 30 voyage data recorder
lesson 31 marine compass
lesson 32 echo sounder,ais,ecdls
lesson 33 the concept of gmdss
lesson 34 terrestrial communication system
lesson 35 introduction to inmarsat system
lesson 36 inmarsat-c
lesson 37 msi and navtex
lesson 38 epirb and sart
lesson 39 port state controi
lesson 40 solas convention
lesson 41 stcw
lesson 42 marpol convention
lesson 43 internationai maritime labour convention
key to exercises 船舶电子电气专业英语

工业技术 汽车与交通运输


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