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聚合物科学与工程导论-英汉双语 本书特色


聚合物科学与工程导论-英汉双语 内容简介


聚合物科学与工程导论-英汉双语 目录

part 1 introduction
 lesson 1 introduction to history of polymer science
 history of macromolecular science
 lesson 2 basic concepts of polymer science
 basic concepts of polymers
part 2 polymer fundamentals
 lesson 3 types of polymers
 chemistry of synthesis
 lesson 4 structure of synthesis
 bonding in polymers
 lesson 5 polymer morphology
 characterization of polymer molecular weight
 lesson 6 polymer solutions and solubility
 the thermodynamic basis of polymer solubility and the solubility parameter
 lesson 7 transitions in polymers

聚合物科学与工程导论-英汉双语 节选


聚合物科学与工程导论-英汉双语 相关资料

插图:It was noted that certain polymers would soften upon heating, and could then be made to flow when a stress was applied. When cooled again, they would reversibly regain their solid or rubbery nature. These polymers are known as thermoplastics. By analogy, ice and solder, though not polymers, behave as thermoplastics.Thermoplastic polymers are characterized by softening upon heating and hardening by cooling. Since the giant molecules of these materials have no strong bonds between the individual molecules, they can be softened by heat and remolded over and over again. This is an advantage in molding processes such as extrusion or injection where scrap or rejected products can be reground and molded again. Some of the thermoplastic materials will burn freely when exposed to an open flame while others of this group will not suooort combustion.


工业技术 化学工业 高分子化合物工业(高聚物工业)


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