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作者:Michael A. Grippi等著

开 本:29cm





Fishman肺部疾病:英文版 本书特色

  经典著作 《Fishman肺部疾病》于1980年首次出版,整合了呼吸疾病、重症医学的基础知识和临床应用,是呼吸医学及相关基础和应用科学的奠基之作。  内容翔实 本书阐述了正常和疾病状态下肺功能及其改变,并全面、详细介绍了多种呼吸系统疾病及其影响因素,其中包括阻塞性和限制性肺疾病、肺血管病、睡眠呼吸障碍、肺部肿瘤、呼吸道感染、呼吸衰竭等。全书共500万余字,2000余幅图,60个视频,18000条参考文献。  全面更新 本书第5版对以下内容进行了全面更新,以反映其在过去几年取得的蕞新进展,包括:肺部分子医学的发展、干细胞和呼吸系统疾病、肺疾病遗传学与精准医疗、肺移植技术的进展、呼吸系统免疫学和免疫抑制的发展、肺高压的诊断和治疗、昼夜节律和睡眠生物学、肺部影像学包括功能显像的快速发展、现代介入支气管镜技术。同时涵盖了危重症医学领域的蕞新进展,包括早期诊断和治疗脓毒症、多器官功能障碍综合征(MODS)、急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)、重症监护室中躁动和谵妄的管理、“慢性危重病”的新定义等。

Fishman肺部疾病:英文版 内容简介

  《Fishman肺部疾病(第5版 英文版 套装上下册)》阐述了呼吸系统生物学、细胞学及分子机制、正常和疾病状态下的肺功能及相应的改变,并全面、详细介绍了多种呼吸系统疾病及其影响因素,其中包括阻塞性肺疾病和限制性肺疾病、肺血管病、睡眠呼吸障碍、肺部肿瘤、呼吸道感染、呼吸衰竭等。本书第5版对肺病医学的发展、干细胞和呼吸系统疾病、肺疾病遗传学与精准医疗等内容进行了更新。全书共500万余字,2000余幅图,60个视频,18000条参考文献。本书是呼吸科临床医生、实习生、肺部疾病研究人员必不可少的工具书。

Fishman肺部疾病:英文版 目录



Volume 1

Part 1: Perspectives

Part 2: Scientific Basis of lung Function in Health and Disease

Section 1 Genetic, Cellular, and Structural Basis of Normal Lung Function

Section 2 Physiological Principles of Normal Lung Function

Section 3 The Lungs in Different Physiological States

Section 4 Lung Immunology

Section 5 Lung Injury and Repair

Part 3: Symptoms and Signs of respiratory Disease

Section 6 Clinical Approach to the Patient

Section 7 Diagnostic Procedures

Part 4: Obstructive Lung Diseases

Section 8 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Section 9 Asthma

Section 10 Other Obstructive Disorders

Part 5: interstitial and inflammatory lung Diseases

Section 11 Immunologic and Interstitial Diseases

Part 6: Drug-induced lung Diseases

Part 7: Other infiltrative and airspace Disorders

Part 8: Disorders of the Pulmonary Circulation

Volume 2

Part 9: Disorders of the Pleural Space

Part 10: Diseases of the mediastinum

Part 11: Disorders of the Chest Wall, Diaphragm, and Spine

Part 12: Occupational and environmental Disorders

Section 12 Occupational Disorders

Section 13 Environmental Disorders

Part 13: Pulmonary Complications of nonpulmonary Disorders

Part 14: Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Part 15: Surgical aspects of Pulmonary medicine

Part 16: Neoplasms of the Lungs

Section 14 Lung Cancer

Section 15 Lymphoproliferative Disorders

Part 17: infectious Diseases of the lungs

Section 16 General Concepts

Section 17 Common Syndromes in Pulmonary Infectious Diseases

Section 18 Major Pathogens in Pulmonary Infections

Part 18: Acute respiratory Failure

Section 19 Lung Failure

Section 20 Respiratory Pump Failure

Section 21 Management and Therapeutic Interventions


Appendix A terms and Symbols in respiratory Physiology

Appendix B normal Values for a Healthy 20-Year old Seated man


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