
首页 > 图书 > 科技/2020-08-06 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:(德)Fridun Kerschbaum

开 本:29cm





7.5 坐骨和耻骨入路 /106
Approach to the Ischium and Pubis
8 骨盆:髋臼 Pelvis: Acetabulum /109
8.1 髂腹股沟入路(Letournel 入路)/109
Ilioinguinal Approach According to Letournel
8.2 髋关节后侧入路(Kocher-Langenbeck 入路)/114
Posterior Approach to the Hip According to Kocher-Langenbeck
8.3 前侧微创入路(Stoppa 入路)/118
Anterior Limited Approach According to Stoppa
8.4 Judet 经髂骨入路 /120
Transiliac Approach According to Judet
8.5 Judet 髋臼入路 /124
Approach to the Acetabulum According to Judet
9 髋关节 Hip Joint /128
9.1 髋关节脱位后侧入路(Ganz 入路)/128
Posterior Approach to the Hip Joint with Dislocation According to Ganz
9.2 后侧微创入路 /131
Posterior Minimally Invasive Approach
9.3 经臀肌入路(Bauer 入路)/135
Transgluteal Approach According to Bauer
9.4 经臀肌微创入路 /138
Minimally Invasive Transgluteal Approach
9.5 髋关节前外侧入路 /141
Anterolateral Approach to the Hip Joint
9.6 髋关节前外侧微创入路 /145
Minimally Invasive Anterolateral Approach to the Hip Joint
9.7 髋关节前侧入路 /149
Anterior Approach to the Hip Joint
9.8 前侧微创入路 /152
Anterior Minimally Invasive Approach
9.9 髋关节关节镜入路 /156
Arthroscopic Approaches to the Hip Joint
10 股骨 Femur /161
10.1 前侧入路 /161
Anterior Approach
10.2 股骨骨髓腔的外侧近端入路 /164
Lateral Proximal Approach to the Medullary Cavity of the Femur
10.3 股骨外侧入路 /165
Lateral Approach to the Femur
10.3a 外侧入路:常规显露 /165
Lateral Approach—General Points
10.3b 外侧入路:显露股骨近端 /165
Lateral Approach—Exposure of the Proximal Femur
10.3c 外侧入路:显露股骨远端 /168
Lateral Approach—Exposure of the Distal Femur
10.4 外侧微创入路 /171
Minimally Invasive Lateral Approach to the Femur
10.5 内侧入路 /173
Medial Approach to the Femur
10.6 后侧入路 /177
Posterior Approach to Femur
10.7 股骨远端经关节的髓腔入路 /182
Transarticular Medullary Cavity Approach to the Distal Femur
11 膝关节 Knee /183
11.1 前内侧微创入路 /183
Anteromedial Minimally Invasive Approaches to the Knee Joint
11.2 前内侧髌旁入路 /187
Anteromedial Parapatellar Approach
11.3 小切口内侧入路 /193
Short Medial Approach to the Knee
11.4 前外侧入路 /195
Anterolateral Approach to the Knee Joint
11.5 后外侧入路(Henderson 入路)/197
Posterolateral Approach According to Henderson
11.6 后侧入路(Trickey 入路)/199
Posterior Approach to the Knee Joint According to Trickey
11.7 关节镜入路 /204
Arthroscopic Approaches
12 小腿 Lower Leg /207
12.1 胫骨骨髓腔的近端入路 /207
Proximal Approach to the Medullary Cavity of the Tibia
12.2 胫骨平台的直接后侧入路 /209
Direct Posterior Approach to the Tibial Plateau
12.3 胫骨平台的后内侧入路 /211
Posteromedial Approach to the Tibial Plateau
12.4 经腓骨截骨的胫骨平台后外侧入路 /213
Posterolateral Approach to the Tibial Plateau with Osteotomy of the Fibula
12.5 胫腓骨的后外侧入路 /216
Posterolateral Approach to the Tibia and Fibula
12.6 胫骨干的后内侧入路 /220
Posteromedial Approach to the Tibial Shaft
12.7 胫骨内侧和外侧微创入路 /222
Minimally Invasive Approach to the Medial and Lateral Tibia
12.8 腓骨外侧入路 /227
Lateral Approach to the Fibula
13 足 Foot /230
13.1 踝关节前侧入路 /230
Anterior Approach to the Ankle Joint
13.2 踝关节和距跟舟关节的前外侧入路 /233
Anterolateral Approach to the Ankle Joint and Talocalcaneonavicular Joint
13.3 Cincinnati 入路 /236
Cincinnati Approach
13.4 踝关节和距跟舟关节内侧的后内侧入路 /241
Posteromedial Approach to the Ankle Joint and the Medial Side of the Talocalcaneonavicular Joint
13.5 踝关节背外侧入路 /246
Dorsolateral Approach to the Ankle Joint
13.6 经内踝截骨的踝关节内侧入路 /249
Medial Exposure of the Ankle Joint with Osteotomy of the Medial Malleolus
13.7 关节镜入路 /251
Arthroscopic Approaches
13.8 内踝内侧入路 /253
Medial Approach to the Medial Malleolus
13.9 外踝入路 /254
Approach to the Lateral Malleolus
13.10 跟骨外侧入路 /255
Lateral Approach to the Calcaneus
13.11 跟骨和距跟舟关节的外侧入路 /256
Lateral Approach to the Calcaneus and Talocalcaneonavicular Joint
13.12 跟骨内侧入路 /258
Medial Approach to the Calcaneus
13.13 距跟舟关节外侧入路 /259
Lateral Approach to the Talocalcaneonavicular Joint
13.14 跖骨关节前侧入路 /262
Anterior Approach to the Metatarsal Joints
13.15 跖跗关节内侧入路 /264
Medial Approach to the Tarsometatarsal Joints
13.16 跖趾关节足底入路 /267
Plantar Approach to the Metatarsophalangeal Joints
13.17 第 1 跖趾关节内侧入路 /270
Medial Approach to the Metatarsophalangeal Joint of the Great Toe

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医学 外科学 骨科


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