局部解剖学 英文版

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局部解剖学  英文版

局部解剖学 英文版


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局部解剖学 英文版 本书特色


局部解剖学 英文版 内容简介

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局部解剖学 英文版 目录

Chapter 1 The Upper Limb
Section 1 IntroduCti0n
Section 2 The Shoulder Region
Section 3 The Anterior and Posterior Regions of the Arm
Section 4 The Cubita Region
Section 5 The Anterior and Posterior Regions of the Forearm
Section 6 The Hand(Wrist,Palm and Dorsum of Hand)
Chapter 2 The Lower Limb
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 The Anterior and Medial Regions of the Thigh
Section 3 The Glottal Region,the Back of the 7high
Section 4 The Leg and the Dorsum of Foot
Chapter 3 The Head and Neck
Section 1 The Head
Section 2 The Face
Section 3 The Neck
Chapter 4 The Thorax
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 The Thoracic wall
Section 3 The Thoracic Cavity and Its Organs
Section 4 The Mediastinum
Chapter 5 The Abdomen
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 The Anterolateral Abdominal Wall
Section 3 The Peritoneum and Peritoneal Cavity
Section 4 The Organs Which Are Related with Peritoneal Cavity
Section 5 The Retroperitonea.Space
Chapter 6 The Pelvis and Per5neum
Section 1 The Pelvis
Section 2 The Perineum 局部解剖学  英文版

医学 基础医学 解剖学


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