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应对宫颈癌专家谈 本书特色

《文学美学历史(中荷文化交流论坛文集)》编著者陆建德。 “中荷文化交流:文学、美学与历史”论坛共收集20篇有中外文学、美学专家撰写的以“文学、美学与历史”为主题的论文结集出版。其中不乏陆建德、高建平、王柯平、陈定家、陈君、丁国旗等中国学术大家,也有荷兰此领域的专家,如ernst van alphen,murat aydemir,mieke bal,maaike bleeker等。中荷专家围绕文学的发展与走向、本地化与世界性等话题发表*近见解,对于中荷两国文化交流有着深远意义。

应对宫颈癌专家谈 目录

exoticism or the translation of cultural difference
negotiating a tradition: the interaction among villagers in the process of reconstructing popular religion in jieting village
nomads without secretes
facing:the local and the global, or intimacy across divisions
let the allegory fly: beyond the activity of reference
literacy on the move
wall-building and the paradoxes of globalization: franz kalka's "the great wall of china"  
from text to hypertext: preservation and innovation of online literature
an ignored phase of the court literature of the han dynasty--the magnolia terrace (lantai兰台) group and their literary activities
from goethe to mark: from "national literature" to"world literature" 
the wheel of fortune vs. the mustard seed: a comparative study of european and chinese painting
grounding the global:how dutch art and literature respond to globalization
towards global dialogism transcending "cultural imperialism"and its critics
europe as facade
de-economization: a marxist critique on the cultural studies
taking a different path: han yu's idea of returning to antiquity (fu gu) compared with that of li baiand du fu
literature, aesthetics and history: odyssey of the human spirit
illegitimate love, or the troubles of intercuhurality
ghostly power and cultural specificity
confucius and plato on the function of music
"world literature" or "ethnic literature"--the anthropological turn in humanities
the chinese way of psychoanalysis: freud's influence on. literary criticism in contemporary china
appendix-1  about the authors
appendix-2  contribufors' information( listed in alphabet order of surnames)

医学 其他临床医学 肿瘤学


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