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 第二节 癫痫发作及其分类
 第三节 癫痫综合征及其分类
第二章 脑电图在癫痫诊断和治疗中的合理应用
 **节 常规头皮发作间歇期和发作期eeg对于癫痫的价值
 第二节 eeg结果出现错误的原因
 第三节 诱化程序(activating procedures)
 第四节 脑电图记录应该针对个体患者的特定情况调整
 第五节 脑电图技术员的任务
 第六节 数字脑电图
 第七节 录像脑电图的常规应用
 第八节 脑电图报告应提供临床信息
 第九节 首次无热惊厥后脑电图检查的意义 
第三章 神经影像学在癫痫诊断和治疗的应用
 **节 对癫痫患者的神经影像学推荐
 第二节 临床采用的功能神经影像学检查
 第三节 脑磁图
第四章 癫痫的治疗原则
 **节 抗癫痫药物治疗原则
 第二节 癫痫的外科治疗
 第三节 刺激治疗
第五章 新生儿发作和新生儿期癫痫综合证
 **节 新生儿发作(neonatal seizures)
 第二节 新生儿综合证
 第三节 新生儿期和婴儿期类似于癫痫发作的非癫痫性运动障碍
第六章 婴儿期的特发性癫痫发作和综合征
 **节 特发性癫痫发作
 第二节 特发性癫痫综合征
第七章 婴儿期和儿童早期的癫痫性脑病
 **节 west综合征
 第二节 dravet综合征(婴儿期严重肌阵挛癫痫)
 第三节 lennox-gastaut综合证
 第四节 landau-kleffner综合征(获得性癫痫性失语)
 第五节 温波睡眠中持续性棘慢复合波的癫痫
 第六节 非进行性脑病中的肌阵挛状态
 第七节 儿童不典型良性部分性癫痫
 第八节 下丘脑(痴笑性)癫痫
第八章 婴儿和儿童期严重新皮质癫痫综合证(良性儿童发作易感综合征)
 **节 良性儿童癫痫伴中央颞区棘波
 第二节 panayiopoulos综合征
 第三节 gastaut型特发性儿童枕叶癫痫
 第四节 良性儿童发作易感综合征的其他表型
 第五节 良性儿童局灶发作的治疗
第十章 特发性合面性癫痫
第十一章 家族性(常染色体显性)局灶性癫痫
第十二章 征状性和很可能为征状性的局灶性癫痫
第十三章 反射性发作和反射性癫痫
第十四章 杭癫痫药物

癫囗-发作和综合征的诊断与治疗(配光盘) 节选


癫囗-发作和综合征的诊断与治疗(配光盘) 作者简介

Chrysostomos P. Panayiotopoulos MD, PhD, FRCP
   Chrysostomos P. Panayiotopoulos MD, PhD, FRCP is an interna-tionally renowned leader and expert in the field of epilepsies. His maincontribution is the establishment of the significance of the syndromic diag-nosis of epilepsies at a time that epilepsies were inappropriately unified asa single diagnostic category.
   He is a clinical neurologist and neurophysiologist. He has worked inGreece, UK, Australia, Saudi Arabia and USA. He has been appointedClinical Professor of Neurology, University of Colorado and Head andProfessor of Neurology, University of Riyadh. The last 20 years he servedas a Consultant in Clinical Neurophysiology and Epilepsies at St.Thomas' Hospital in London, UK as well as Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Epileptology andHonorary Senior Lecturer at Guys, Kings and St. Thomas' Medical school. He has also been an in-vited Professor to Harvard University and the University of Western Australia. He has served as oneof the 12 members of the Task Force on Classification and Terminology of the International LeagueAgainst Epilepsy. He is now Consultant emeritus at St. Thomas' hospital, London.
   CP Panayiotopoulos has researched prolifically, investigating the clinical and neurophysiologi-cal investigations of muscles, peripheral nerves ( he is the first to describe and name F - chronodis-persion) and a particular focus on epilepsies.
   CP Panayiotopoulos has been an active contributor to a number of highly established peer - re-viewed journals. He has written over 140 articles in journals such as the Lancet, Brain, Neurolo-gy, Annals of Neurology, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgeryand Psychiatry to name but a few. These papers have been widely cited more than 1000 times inleading journals. He has been the invited author of over 50 chapters in neurology books. He has al-so sat on the editorial board of Epilepsy & Behavior, Medlink Neurology and acted as a reviewerfor: Brain, Lancet, Annals of Neurology, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry,Neurology, Epilepsia, Journal of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology.

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医学 内科学 神经内科
