油菜杂种优势利用新技术 : 化学杂交剂的利用

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油菜杂种优势利用新技术 : 化学杂交剂的利用

油菜杂种优势利用新技术 : 化学杂交剂的利用


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油菜杂种优势利用新技术 : 化学杂交剂的利用 本书特色

《chemical hybridizing agents--principle and application to oil rape heterosis(精)》 (作者:guan chunyun)研究内容:chemical hybridizing agent is a new technology system. chemical hybridizing agent utilizing heterosis, relates to agriculture and chemistry subject areas. this book discussed two topics that revolves around the rape of chemical hybridizing agent and heterosis of brassica napus using. a total of ten chapters, there are respectively introduced heterosis in oil rape, chemical hybridizing hybrids: advantages and applications, approaches to heterosis utilization in oil rape, chemical hybridizing agents for oil rape, cytological basis of chemical emasculation in oil rape, biochemical and molecular biological mechanisms of cha action, breeding the elite inbred line of oil rape, principles of parent selection for hybrid rapeseed, technology for the production of cha hybrid seeds of oil rape, major cha hybrid varieties of oil rape. this book provides a reference for scientific and technical researchers, and college students and professors who work on plants applied chemistry research and plant breeding, especially work on rapeseed research, hybrid seed production and other relevant aspects.

油菜杂种优势利用新技术 : 化学杂交剂的利用 内容简介

this book provides a reference for scientific and technical researchers, and collegestudents and professors who work on plants applied chemistry research and plant breeding,especially work on rapeseed research, hybrid seed production and other relevant aspects. 

油菜杂种优势利用新技术 : 化学杂交剂的利用 目录

prefacechapter 1  heterosis in oil rape1.1  phenotypic heterosis in oil rape1.1.1  heterosis of yield and its related traits1.i.2  physiological heterosis1.2  genetic basis of oil rape heterosis1.2.1  dominance hypothesis1.2.2  overdominance hypothesis!.2.3  epistatic hypothesis1.2.4  genetic equilibrium theory1.2.5  heterozygous hypothesis1.2.6  the theory of organismic vitalitychapter 2chemical hybridizing hybrids: advantages and applications2.1  cha hybrids of oil rape: advantages vs. disadvantages2.2  the wide-spread application of chemical hybridizing agents2.2.1  chemical hybridizing agents applied to oil crops2.2.2  chemical hybridizing agents applied to grain crops2.2.3  chemical hybridizing agents applied to cotton2.2.4  chemical hybridizing agents applied to vegetable crops2.2.5  chemical hybridizing agents applied to forge cropschapter 3  approaches to heterosis utilization in oil rape3.1  rape hybrid seed production through cms technique3.1.1  nuclear male sterility3.1.2  cytoplasmic male sterility (cms)3.2  self incompatibility and heterosis utilization in rape3.2.1  the self incompatibility in rape3.2.2  the approaches to si line breeding3.2.3  the propagation of si lines3.2.4  the hybrid seed production with si lines3.3  engineered male sterility for rape heterosis utilization3.3.1  significance3.3.2  obtaining male sterile gene (pta29-barnase-bar) and restoring gene      (p ta29-barstar-bar)3.3.3  engineered male sterility hybrid by guan chunyun group3.4  chemical hybridizing agents for rape heterosis utilization3.5  the ecological sterile hybrid for rape heterosis utilization3.5.1  types and features of ecological-sterile-line hybrid3.5.2  hybrid seed production with ecological sterile line3.5.3  some important ecological sterile lines and hybrid varieties3.6  the other approaches to rape heterosis utilization3.6.1 heterosis utilization through subgenome in brassica napus3.6.2  hybrid seed production through artificial emasculationchapter 4chemical hybridizing agents for oil rape4.1  chemical hybridizing agents commonly used in crops4.2  effectiveness of chemical hybridizing agents applied in oil rape4.3  major chemical hybridizing agents and their effects on oil rape4.3.1  sx-14.3.2  exp4.3.3  male gametocide no.14.3.4  male gametocide no.24.3.5  kms-14.3.6  gibberellin (ga3)4.3.7  esp (sulfonylurea)4.3.8  en4.3.9  giant star4.3.10  wp4.3.11  dichloropropionic acid4.3.12  sodium diphenylaminesulfonate4.3.13  sulfamic acid4.3.14  amidosulfuron4.3.15  sodium dichloropropionate4.3.16  salicylhydroxamic acid4.3.17  ethephon4.3.18  2,4-d4.3.19  p-aniline sulfonic acidchapter 5cytological basis of chemical emasculation in oil rape5.1  pmc meiosis of oil rape5.1.1  relationship between bud length and meiosis5.1.2  chromosome behavior5.1.3  time of pmc meiosis ofoil rape5.1.4  the difference among different-sized buds or similar-sized ones in the same      inflorescence during developmental stages5.2  slide preparation during meiosis and microspore developmental stages...5.2.1  slide preparation during meiotic stages of oil rape5.2.2  section cutting technique during microspore development stage of oil rape5.3cytological mechanism for male sterility induced by cha in oil rape5.3.1  the effect of adrocide no. 1 on tapetums of anther and the formation of pollen      grains of brassica napus5.3.2  cellular morphological characteristics of anther tapetum and pollen development      during the induction of male infertility ofbrassica napus by male gametocide      no. 1 at different stages5.3.3  impact of male gametocide no.1 on fertility ofbrassica napus5.4  impact of kms-1 on fertility ofbrassica napus  15.4.1concentration, stage and treatment method5.4.2  effects ofkms- 1 on the induction of male sterility in brassica napus5.4.3  impact ofkms-ion morphology of flower organs ofbrassica napus at different      stages5.4.4  impact of kms-1 on cellular morphology of male sterility of brassica      napus at different stages5.4.5  impact of kms-i on pollen vigor ofbrassica napus after treatment at      different stages5.5  cytological mechanism for non-cha induced sterile lines5.5.1  cytological observation methods for the abortion mechanism of 681a cms line5.5.2  cytological characteristics of abortion of the 681a sterile line5.5.3  cytological charateristics of anther abortion of the transgenic male sterile line      tr"dns i  "5.6  mechanism of trace pollen generation of cms lines5.6.1  the generating mechanism of trace pollens and their hazards5.6.2  research methods for trace pollen of cms line 681a5.6.3  morphology of flowers and fertility classification of the cms line 681a5.6.4  the relationship between the trace pollen and the temperature in nature5.7  solutions for trace pollen of cms lines of oil rapechapter 6  biochemical and molecular biological mechanisms ofcha action6.1  types of chemical hybridizing agents6.2  physiological and biochemical mechanism of cha6.2.1  the absorption, transportation of cha6.2.2  the acting stage of cha6.2.3  biochemical and physiological process and manifestation of cha inducing      male sterility6.3  molecular biological mechanism6.3.1  sulfonylureas6.3.2  sq-16.3.3  bau-9403chapter 7  breeding the elite inbred line of oil rape7.1  breeding the inbred line of oil rape7.1.1  the importance of the development of oil rape inbred line7.1.2  basic requirements for elite inbred line of oil rape7.2  original materials and methods for inbred line breeding7.2.1  original materials for inbred line breeding7.2.2  methods for breeding inbred lines7.3  improvement of rape inbred line7.3.1  the purpose of inbred line improvement7.3.2  basic methods for inbred line improvement7.4  anther or pollen culture and parthenogenesis for breeding inbredline7.4.1  anther pollen culture for breeding inbred line7.5  breeding inbred line through microspore culture and dihaploidmethod7.5.1  the significance of microspore culture and dihaploid breeding in oil rape"7.5.2  microspore culture and dihaploid breeding methodchapter 8  principles of parent selection for hybrid rapeseed8.1  principles of parent selection for cross making in oil rape8.1.1  the great disparity of the kinship between parents8.1.2  the high combining ability of parents8.1.3  excellent composite traits of parents with mutual complementation8.1.4  the additive effect between the traits of parents8.2  combining ability test8.2.1  concept of the combining ability8.2.2  testing the combining ability8.3  predicting the heterosis of oil rape8.3.1  predicting the heterosis based on the genetic distance8.3.2  predicting the heterosis based on the coefficient of parentage8.3.3  predicting the heterosis according to the genotypic valuechapter 9  technology for the production of cha hybrid seeds ofoil rape9.1  an overview9.2  technology for cha hybrid seed production in oil rape9.2.1  parental seed production9.2.2  cha hybrid seed production9.3  application of cha to solving the trace pollen problem in cms9.3.1  impact of chemical gametocides on the trace pollen in cms9.3.2  method of using chemical gametocides to remove trace pollen of cmschapter 10  major cita hybrid varieties of oil rape10.1  the cha oil rape varieties developed since 200010.1.1  xiangzayou no.610.1.2  qinyou no.1910.1.3  qinyou 3310.1.4  yuhuang no. 110.1.5  yuhuang no.210.1.6  yuhuang no.310.1.7  yuhuang no.410.1.8  xingdiyou no.110.2  the cha oil rape varieties developed before 200010.2.1  xiangzayou no. 110.2.2  yuza 1810.2.3  yuyou 1210.2.4  yuza 09references

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