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chapter 13  bovine acupoints
  13.1  the head region
  13.2  trunk and tail
  13.3  thoracic limb
  13.4  pelvic limb
  13.5  additional bovine acupoints
chaffer 14  porcine acupoints
  14.1  head region
  14.2  trunk and tail
  14.3  thoracic limb
  14.4  pelvic limb
  14.5  additional porcine acupoints
chapter 15  sheep and goat's acupoints
  15.1  head region
  15.2  trunk and tail
  15.3  thoracic limb
  15.4  pelvic limb
chapter 16  camel acupoints
  16.1  head region
  16.2  trunk and tail
  16.3  thoracic limb
  16.4  pelvic limb
chapter 17  canine acupo1nts
  17.1  head region
  17.2  trunk and tail
  17.3  thoracic limb
  17.4  pelvic i.imb
chapter 18  feline acupoints
  18.1  head region
  18.2  trunk and tail
  18.3  thoracic limb
  18.4  pelvic i.imb
chapter 19  rabbit acupoints
  19.1  head region
  19.2  trunk and tail
  19.3  thoracic limb
  19.4  pelvic i.imb
chapter 20  the experimental acupoints of rabbit
  20.1  acupomts on the lung meridian of hand taiyin (lu)
  20.2  aeupolnts on the large intestine meridian of hand yangming (li)
  20.3  acupomts on the heart meridian of hand shaoyin (ht)
  20.4  acupolnts on the small intestine meridian of hand taiyang (si)
  20.5  acupomts on the pericardium meridian of hand 3ueyin (pc)
  20.6  acupomts on the triple heater meridian of hand shaoyang (th)
  20.7  acupolnts on the spleen meridian of foot taiyin (sp)
  20.8  acupolnts on the stomach meridian of foot yangming (st)
  20.9  acupolnts on the kidney meridian of foot shaoyin (ki)
  20.10  acupoints on the bladder meridian of foot taiyang (bl)
  20.11  acupoints on the i.iver meridian of foot jueyin (liv)
  20.12  acupoints on the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang (gb)
  20.13  acupoints on the conception meridian (cv)
  20.14  acupoints on the governor meridian (gv)
  20.15  the extraordinary acupoints (ep)
chapter 21  tile experimental acupoints of rat
  21.1  the i.ung meridian of hand taiyin (lu)
  21.2  the i.arge intestine meridian of hand yangming (li)
  21.3  the heart meridian of hand shaoyin (ht)
  21.4  the small intestine meridian of hand taiyang (si)
  21.5  the pericardium meridian of hand jueyin (pc)
  21.6  the triple heater meridian of hand shaoyang (th)
  21.7  the spleen meridian of foot taiyin (sp)
  21.8  the stomach meridian of foot yangming (st)
  21.9  the kidney meridian of foot shaoyin (ki)
  21.10  the bladder meridian of foot taiyang (bl)
  21.11  the liver meridian of foot jueyin (liv)
  21.12  the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang (gb)
  21.13  the conception meridian (cv)
  21.14  the governor meridian (gv)
  21.15  the extraordinary points (ep)
chapter 22  therapies of veterinary acupuncture and moxibustion
  22.1  principles for make acupuncture prescription
  22.2  equine acupuncture therapies
  22.3  bovine acupuncture therapies
  22.4  porcine acupuncture therapies
  22.5  acupuncture therapies of sheep and goat
  22.6  acupuncture therapies of camel
  22.7  canine acupuncture therapies
chapter 23  veterinary acupuncture analgesia
  23.1  development of veterinary acupuncture analgesia
  23.2  distinctive features of veterinary acupuncture analgesia
  23.3  equipments
  23.4  acupoints for acupuncture analgesia
  23.5  point selection for acupuncture analgesia
  23.6  techniques and procedures

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农业/林业 动物医学
