Tourism and Hospitality Research in China-旅游与酒店研究进展-全2册

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Tourism and Hospitality Research in China-旅游与酒店研究进展-全2册

Tourism and Hospitality Research in China-旅游与酒店研究进展-全2册


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Tourism and Hospitality Research in China-旅游与酒店研究进展-全2册 本书特色

适读人群 :旅游专业师生、旅游研究人员   本书汇集了近年来中国旅游和酒店研究的重要成果,多角度多层面展现了我国旅游和酒店研究取得的进展,是向海外介绍中国旅游研究进展的重要文献。

Tourism and Hospitality Research in China-旅游与酒店研究进展-全2册 内容简介


Tourism and Hospitality Research in China-旅游与酒店研究进展-全2册 目录

Part One: Research Progress,Philosophical and Conceptual Issues in Tourism
Tourism geography in China,1978-2008:whence,what and whither?
Tourism research in China:insights from insiders
Tourism problemology:reflexivity of knowledge making
Tourism destination image:conceptual problems and definitional solutions

Part Two: Residents' Perceptions of and Attitudes towards Tourism Development
Study on interactions between the economic and social capitals of tourist
communities——taking the Xishuangbanna Dai Park Scenic area as an example
Influence of place-based senses of distinctiveness,continuity,self-esteem and
self-efficacy on residents'attitudes toward tourism
Host perceptions of backpackers:examining the influence of intergroup contact
Residents'quality of life and attitudes toward tourism development in China

Part Three: Sustainable Tourism and Destination Development
Income distribution,tourist commercialization,and Hukou status:a socioeconomic
analysis of tourism in Xidi, China
Chinese national parks:differences, resource use and tourism product portfolios
The impacts of tourism at a UNESCO heritage site in China-a need for a meta-narrative?
the case of the Kaiping Diaolou
Distortions in tourism development in the Dali Autonomous Region, China
Effective environmental interpretation at Chinese natural attractions:the need for
an aesthetic approach
Attaining harmony:understanding the relationship between ecotourism and protected
areas in China
Destination development in China:towards an effective model of explanation
Tacit knowledge spillover and sustainability in destination development
Ancient poetry in contemporary Chinese tourism
Sustainability and nature-based mass tourism:lessons from China's approach to the
Huangshan Scenic Park
Reading, tourism and geography consumption in literary places
The multiple logics of tourism development in China
An application of network analysis on tourist attractions:the case of Xinjiang,China

Part Four: Tourist Behaviours and Destination Marketing
Core-periphery structure of destination image:concept, evidence and implication
Visitors'perceptions of the use of cable cars and lifts in Wulingyuan World Heritage Site,China
Shopping behaviors of Chinese tourists visiting the United States:letting the
shoppers do the talking
Developing destination loyalty:the case of Hainan Island
Impact of personality traits and involvement on prior knowledge
Cross-cultural validation of a memorable tourism experience scale(MTES)
The antecedents of memorable tourism experiences:the development of a scale to measure
the destination attributes associated with memorable experience
Developing a scale to measure backpackers'personal development
Using social network analysis to explain communication characteristics of travel-related
electronic word-of-mouth on social networking sites
Antecedents and outcomes of consumers'confusion in online tourism domain

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