Tourism and Hospitality Research in China-旅游与酒店研究进展-全2册

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Tourism and Hospitality Research in China-旅游与酒店研究进展-全2册

Tourism and Hospitality Research in China-旅游与酒店研究进展-全2册


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From lost space to third place:the visitor's perspective
Building interpersonal trust in a travel-related virtual community:a case study on a Guangzhou couchsurfing community
The effects of associative slogans on tourists'attitudes and travel intention:the
moderating effects of need for cognition and familiarity
Toward a theory of backpacker personal development:cross-cultural validation of the BPD scale
Tourists'perceptions of responsibility:an application of norm-activation theory

Part Five: Hospitality and Event Research
Effects of cognitive and affective conflict between hotel's top managers on firm performance in China
Paradox of authenticity versus standardization:expansion strategies of restaurant groups in China
A study of the impacts of large-scale exhibitions on hotel room rates:a case study of Canton Fair
The role of local government and the private sector in China's tourism industry
The fading affect bias:examining changes in affect and behavioral intentions in restaurant service failures and recoveries
A scenario-based experiment and a field study:a comparative examination for service failure and recovery
Authenticity perceptions,brand equity and brand choice intention:the case of ethnic restaurants
Abusive supervision and customer-oriented organizational citizenship behavior:the
roles of hostile attribution bias and work engagement
Memory retrieval of cultural event experiences:examining intemal and external influences
Knowledge diffusion atbusiness events:a case study

List of Publications

Tourism and Hospitality Research in China-旅游与酒店研究进展-全2册 作者简介


Tourism and Hospitality Research in China-旅游与酒店研究进展-全2册

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旅游 旅游理论与实务 旅游管理 餐饮酒店管理
