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第二语言的课堂教学作者:赖特本 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787544636964 定价:65.0 出版时间:2014-09-01 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 |
第二语言的课堂教学 本书特色
第二语言的课堂教学 目录
acknowledgementsa note on formatting
chapter 1 from language learner to language learning researcher
part ⅰlanguage learning—the time it takes
chapter 2 core esl in quebec: what results can we expect?
chapter 3 esl: time to teach
chapter 4 easy as pie? children learning languages
chapter 5 fair trade: two—way bilingual education
chapter 6 intensive l2 instruction in canada: why not immersion?
chapter 7 making the minutes count in l2 teaching
partⅱ input and second language acquisition
chapter 8 acquiring english l2 in quebec classrooms
chapter 9 input andacquisitionin second language classrooms
chapter 10 can language acquisition be altered by instruction?
chapter 11 what have we here? some observations on the role of instruction in second language acquisition
chapter 12 can they do it themselves? a comprehension—based esl course for young children
chapter 13 the importance of timing in focus on form
chapter 14 input filters in second language acquisition
partⅲsla research and classroom teaching
chapter 15 what’s an esl teacher good for?
chapter 16 classroom sla research and second language teaching
chapter 17 commentary: what to teach? how to teach? (response to vanpatten (2004a) & wong (2004))
chapter 18 transfer appropriate processing as a model for classroom second language acquisition
chapter 19 language learning in the classroom: talking to teachers and policy makers
第二语言的课堂教学 作者简介
赖特本(Patsy M.Lightbown),是加拿大康考迪亚大学的终身教授,国际著名应用语言学家,多年来一直致力于第二外语教学课堂中各种教学方法的应用研究,尤其在交际教学法和内容教学法等领域研究成果颇丰。本书收录她在教学研究领域发表的精品文章,其中有对外语教学理论研究的回顾与梳理,也有对美加两国外语教学实践的研究与分析,更有作者作为外语教师和教学研究者对于第二外语教学的经验、心得与体会。本书集理论和实践为一体,对从事外语教学和教学法研究的读者必有裨益。

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