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本体与词汇库-自然语言处理角度的解析作者:黄居仁 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787301249543 定价:61.0 出版时间:2014-12-01 出版社:北京大学出版社 |
11.2 resources and structure required in the bow approach
11.3 interfacing multiple resources: a lexicon-driven approach
11.4 integration of multiple knowledge sources
11.5 updating and future improvements
11.6 conclusion
12 ontology-based semantic lexicons:mapping between terms and object descriptions
12.1 introduction
12.2 why we need semantic lexicons
12.3 more semantics than we need
12.4 the semantics we need is in ontologies
12.5 conclusion
13 merging global and specialized linguistic ontologies
13.1 introduction<

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