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作者:(美)Benjamin Duncan,刘树森,De-an Wu Swihart 等编著

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中国外籍教师英语教学教程 本书特色


中国外籍教师英语教学教程 内容简介

  teaching english as a foreign language in china today has been developed , through 16 years of experience in training more than 1,000 foreign teachers of english by the center for teaching & learning in china (ctlc), in cooperation with the peking university english department and school of foreign languages. benjamin duncan, ph.d. wrote this book at the invitation of ctlc and as a ctlc trainer. he first taught english in china in 1999 with the ctlc program in shenzhen. this book builds upon ctlc's 2007 textbook teaching english in china, written by ctlc trainers, robert wyss, m.a. and emily a. thrush, ph.d., and ctlc co-directors de-an wu swihart, ph.d. and william o'donnell, ph.d., and with an appendix provided by the department of culture & education of the state administration of foreign expert affairs, which officially endorsed the book and uses it in their training.   teaching english as a foreign language in china today is very useful for english teachers to learn how to teach english in china. it includes chapters written by highly experienced professors from the usa and from chinese faculty of the peking university english department. the emphasis on understanding chinese culture addresses the needs of foreign teachers living in china.

中国外籍教师英语教学教程 目录

chapter 1 expectations
chapter 2 what is language teaching?
chapter 3 lesson planning
chapter 4 adapting and revising lesson plans
chapter 5 language acquisition
chapter 6 multiple intelligences
chapter 7 methodology
chapter 8 nine principles of tefl
chapter 9 classroom management
chapter 10 teaching primary school
chapter 11 reading and vocabulary
chapter 12 speaking and listening
chapter 13 pronunciation
chapter 14 grammar-based lessons
chapter 15 writing
chapter 16 error correction
chapter 17 cultural differences
chapter 18 english in china's educational system
chapter 19 living and teaching in china: tips for teachers
references 中国外籍教师英语教学教程

社会科学 教育


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