语言学文选-NO.1作者:石锋 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787510017681 定价:49.0 出版时间:2010-08-01 出版社:世界图书出版公司 |
语言学文选-NO.1 本书特色
语言学文选-NO.1 目录
前言音系重音、信息和语言的分类藏缅语族松紧元音研究天津话的连读变调及轻声:优选论分析“天津话连读变调之谜”的优选论解释语法汉语是话语概念结构化语言吗?非谓形容词的词类地位方位词的词性及其理论意义被字句和把字句的对称与不对称从日语的角度看汉语被动句的特点语义再谈相同词语之间语义关系的多重性概念叠加与构式整合汉语类指成分的语义属性和句法属性反义类比构词中的语义不对应及其成因词类范畴的家族相似性语言演变汉藏语系语言里的一个疑问语素竞争性音变与历史层次水语里汉语借词层次分析方法交际压力度(DCP)与混合语形成机制——以倒话为例语言学文选-NO.1 节选
《语言学文选(第1辑)》主要内容简介:This is a translated collection of the most distinguishedjournal articles of the Chinese linguistics field. Articles wereselected for their originality, novelty, theoretical significance,and enlightenment to general linguistics study. Most ofthe articles selected were published in the last five years.The eighteen articles included in this book cover nearlyall major areas of Chinese linguistics, such as phonology,syntax, semantics, pragmatics, language contact, languageevolution, and comparative studies of Sino-Tibetan languages.These articles document discussions of some theoreticalissues through the case studies of Asian languages. Thisbook is appropriate for readers of the linguistics circle andserves as a reference book in Chinese linguistics study.
语言学文选-NO.1 相关资料
插图:Abstract: Chinese word classes are prototype categories in nature. Ordinary people tend to group thewords, which share the family resemblances in distribution, into the same class. It is not feasible todivide the word classes by using the conjunctive and disjunctive relations between distributional fea-tures since we might not find a feature exclusively shared by all members of a class. There are typicalmembers and non-typical members in a certain word class. The typical members are the prototypes ofthe class and serve as the standards for the classification of the non-typical member. And the typicalmembers of the same class always share a bundle of distributive features, which could be taken as thebasis to divide and define word classes. Though the typical members of different classes have appar-ent disparities, the non-typical members of different classes only show slight and vague disparities,which has been the origin of the dilemma in Chinese word class dividing. At last, the paper presentsthe advantages of prototype theory in Chinese word class dividing and some other linguistic fields,such as the judgments on the identities of some syntactic constructions, and the classification of dia-lectal regions.
语言学文选-NO.1 作者简介
石锋,Feng Shi is a professor andthe Director of Linguistics Instituteof Nankai University in China. Heis also currently serving as thechief editor of Journal of NankaiLinguistics as well as the presidentof Tianjin Linguistics Association.He received his M.A. in 1982 fromRenmin University in China and hisPh.D. in 1990 from Nankai University.He has been an adjunct professorof Beijing Language and CultureUniversity, a research fellow of CityUniversity of Hang Kong, and avisiting professor of Nagoya GakuinUniversity in Japan and ChineseSummer School of MiddleburyCollege in USA. His researchinterests include experimentalphonetics, language acquisition,language contact, and etc.张洪明,Hongming Zhang is a tenuredprofessor of University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received his B.A. in1981 and his M.A. in 1984 in Chinesefrom Fudan University in China,and Ph.D. in 1992 in linguistics fromUniversity of California at San Diego.Besides teaching at UW-Madison,he has also taught at FudanUniversity, San Diego Mesa College,National University of Singapore,and adjunctively serves NankaiUniversity as Shiing-shen Chern ChairProfessor and Honorary Directorof Nankai Linguistics Institute.He was awarded the title ofChangjiang Scholar by the Ministryof Education of China in 2009. He is currently serving the InternationalAssociation of Chinese Linguisticsas its Executive Secretary. His maininterests lie in the interface study of syntax-phonology, phonology, dialectology, poetic prosody, Chinese philology, and etc.
社会科学 语言文字
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